The Good Shepherd isn’t asking to do things, we don’t have to try and find him, he comes to us. We don’t have to atone for our sin, he does that for us. We don’t have to clean our act up, he does that by declaring we are a new creation. We simply allow the shepherd to lead us. We listen to his voice and follow him.
Is God taking away our position in society, is he taking away our security, our ability to survive and function as we always have done, is it so incredibly difficult to get leaders to ensure the church will function, because our hope has been in the things God gave us, rather than in God himself?
The miracle of the moment, the miracle of Advent is that we are all treated as the eldest son. Think about this for a moment. The inheritance is coming from God the Father, whose only son is Jesus Christ. So, what we are being told here is that the miracle of the moment, the miracle of advent is that we are treated, by God, as though we are Jesus Christ himself.