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Sometimes I wonder if we think the Christian life is a bit like rubbing Aladin’s lamp. We utter a quick prayer in the expectation that our wishes will be granted. This is not how Daniel approached prayer – he struggled, he wrestled, he tried to understand by studying and learning. Daniel worked at his relationship and his understanding of God. The more he studied, the more he realised he needed God’s revelation, and so he asked, help me Lord, explain to me Lord; God answered.

Acts – What is the church

September 8, 2024
If the church calls us into service through the guidance of the spirit and by the authority of God then we are not called to volunteer (A volunteer is someone who gives themselves to something without expectation, it is voluntary, our choice.) If the church has the authority of God and acts under the guidance of the Spirit, then we are not being asked to volunteer but commanded to serve

Acts – Waiting on God

September 1, 2024
Instead of worrying about what tomorrow will bring or what the future will be, what the church will look like, or when Christ will return, we have been charged with witnessing to the goodness and the gospel of Jesus Christ. That witnessing begins here in these pews, our Jerusalem. We are to remind one another, teach one another, point one another to Jesus, the cross. We are to remind one another that our hope not just for the future, but for today lies in Christ alone.
The sufficiency of God’s grace that comes with our unanswered prayers is the way in which our situations, grief, illness, limited capacity of any kind – the unlikeness of the role that has been thrust upon us, or the feeling of being out of our depth in the situation we find ourselves. The sufficiency of God’s grace is that he enables the gospel to be preached, talked about despite who we are or what we are.