When our goal is the church, we are robbing people of something incredibly important. Jesus. Jesus is the gate; Jesus is the one we must bring people to if we want them to become part of the church. Everything we do is about pointing people to Jesus.
When we read stories like Peter and John healing the man at the temple gate, the question I’m always left with is, where has our confidence in God gone? Why is it we read these stories in scripture, but we don’t see them happening or hear them being talked about in our churches today? Why do we not have the same confidence that Peter and John displayed when they walked up to this crippled man and said, ‘in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.’
https://youtu.be/UGsJ8wJ_YV4 https://www.portstewartpresbyterian.org/prayer-diary-8/
If the church calls us into service through the guidance of the spirit and by the authority of God then we are not called to volunteer (A volunteer is someone who gives themselves to something without expectation, it is voluntary, our choice.) If the church has the authority of God and acts under the guidance of the Spirit, then we are not being asked to volunteer but commanded to serve