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What really matters

September 18, 2022
It is good when we ask questions about life after death, it is good when we try to find answers to difficult questions about faith and hope and the eternity that we all must face, but are we looking for those answers in the right place?
So many of the changes in our society will not last because they are not from God. Not just changes around social and gender issues, but changes around our lack of kindness, care and concern for the refugee, changes that have promoted a self-centred society with no care, through or concern for our neighbour, all of this will be swept away. We are not on the wrong side of history, we will not fade into obscurity, we will be raised on the last day to glory in Christ, and we will rule the new heaven and earth in the presence of God and according to the word of God.
Sunday morning service in Portstewart Presbyterian Church focusing on Mark 11: 12-33. During this service we are asking what are the barriers we as Christians and as a church put…