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Ladies, Friday 16th June 7.30-9.30 in the minor hall, we are launching Secret Sister for Portstewart Presbyterian Church..

Secret Sister is where you pledge to pray every day for a year, for another lady out of the church, though they will not know it’s you praying for them…thus SECRET sister.

This is a great opportunity for any women who attend or are connected to Portstewart Presbyterian Church, to get to know each other better, grow in their faith and have fellowship together.

PW Talents and Crafts Morning Service

PW Talents and Crafts Closing Service

On the secret sister night we will have fun, a yummy sweet supper (so come hungry) and a Fashion Me Perfect workshop, where you can learn how to work out what colours and shapes suit you best.

On that night you ll fill out a form giving your name, address, birthday (if you d like to) and prayer requests. These will be thrown into a hat and you pick one out, and that will be the lady who you will pray for. There will be a basket in the church foyer where you can leave cards or small gifts for your secret sister to encourage them through out the year. If you can make the night please let Helen Davies, Hazel Walker or Wendy Porter know. If you can’t make the Friday night but would like to be part of Secret Sister, please let us know and we ll give u a form to fill out which can be included on the night.