Sunday 3rd December
Thank God for the results from our congregational meeting: Helen, Samantha & Julie all received the overwhelming support of the congregation and so will now undergo a period of training before a conferral with Presbytery. Please continue to pray for each of the three new elders elect. Click on the picture below to find out more.

Monday 4th December
As we enter the Christmas period it is good to remember that for some this is a time of great sadness and difficulty. People are on their own, they miss loved ones who have died through the year. For some children it is a time when they become acutely aware that their family is very different to everyone else’s. Pray fro those for whom Christmas is difficult.
Tuesday 5th December
Presbytery will meet tonight. A busy agenda will include nominations for an incoming moderator, discussions around how ministry will be re-configured. We will also seek permission to offer Michelle a full-time position as Youth and Family Worker. Ballywillan will also present their vacancy papers to Presbytery. Please pray for what will be a busy meeting.

Wednesday 6th December
Little Treasurers’, our mums and tots’ group, has been incredibly successful this session. Thank God for the opportunity to provide a safe space for families and an opportunity for parents to meet and talk. Pray for Julia and her team of leaders as they model an example of family worship each Wednesday morning. Click on the picture below to find out more.

Thursday 7th December
We continue to have a few of our members in hospital. Please pray for families who worry about the health of loved ones. Pray especially for those who have been in hospital for a lengthy period. Pray for God’s healing and strengthening.
Friday 8th December
Our tech team, headed up by Alistair Nichol & David Porter continue to provide an invaluable service Sunday by Sunday. Thank God for Alistair and David, but also thank God for the different young people who do so much to help and improve our audio-visual output each Sunday.
Saturday 9th December
Ronnie Hyndman continues to faithfully care for our buildings. Thank God for all that Ronnie does and pray that he would know God’s blessing and presence as he serves the church.