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Thank you for taking the time to pray with us this week.

Sunday 12th November

Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. (John 15:13 kjv) This morning we give thanks to God for the sacrifices of so many in the defence of freedom and justice. Pray for the families of all those who mourn the loss of loved ones because of man’s inhumanity to man.

Monday 13th November 

This afternoon our after schools’ clubs meet in Portstewart Primary School. Pray for this important work among the children attending the local primary school. Pray for the school, teaching and non-teaching staff. Pray also for the children and their families that they would know how much they are loved and valued by us as a church, but also by God their creator and Jesus their saviour.

Tuesday 14th November

PW meets tonight. Give thanks to God for this important ministry among the ladies of our congregation. Thank God for all the women who do so much to ensure the life and witness of this church is maintained.

Wednesday 15th November

Last week our GB packed over 20 shoeboxes. Thank God for all the boxes that will be sent not just from this congregation but from across to the church to families who have little in comparison to us. Thank God for the real expressions of joy on so many children’s faces when these gifts are handed out.

Thursday 16th November

Our world continues to tumble further and further into turmoil. Pray for the many places where suffering seems to reign, and misery dictates how people live their lives. Thank God for his sovereignty and the promise that he will bring all suffering to an end. Pray for that day to come.

Friday 17th November

Stuart is convenor for Ballywillan while they are vacant. Pray for Ballywillan, and the many other vacant congregations across our denomination. Pray for especially for those congregations who are enduring or facing long vacancies.

Saturday 18th November

Joe Fell continues to faithfully visit in our congregation. Thank God for Joe, pray for him as he ministers among us. Pray also as he does this while facing illness within his own family.