Sunday 6th October
Some of our members along with folks in Ballywillan begin communicants’ classes today. Pray for all those who are considering full communicant membership. Pray they would know God’s leading and would feel a sense of belonging within our congregation.
Monday 7th October
Vacancies in Banagher, Ballywillan, Portrush and Second Kilrea continue to be progressed. Please pray that in each of the congregations there would be a means of providing stable ministry to the folks who faithfully attend and also an outreach into each local community.
Tuesday 8th October
The PW returns tonight after the summer break. Thank God for the work of the PW within our congregation and across the wider church as it encourages and disciples women and supports mission at home and abroad. PW provides funding for the training of deaconesses within our denomination, pray for the work of the deaconesses within PCI. Click on the link below to find out more about PW

Wednesday 9th October
We have a significant number of people from within our congregation who are receiving one form of treatment or another. Pray for all who are undergoing what can be harsh and difficult medical treatments and procedures. Pray for healing and a very real sense of God’s presence. Pray also for families who watch on often feeling helpless and frustrated at not being able to ease a loved one’s suffering.
Thursday 10th October
Preparations are well underway for harvest. Pray for our harvest celebrations. Pray especially for Martha, Sophie and Jodie who hope to give reports on their summer mission trips at our evening service. Thank God for our young people and pray that they would be established in their faith and in the life of the church.

Friday 11th October
Thank God for the ministry and blessing that comes through the flowers that are donated each week in the church. Thank God for the way in which they are used to remind those going through hard times that the church has noticed and that it cares. Pray that within the church we would continue to build and develop a sense of family and togetherness in Christ.
Saturday 12th October
Tomorrow the congregation will be asked if it is agreeable to Ronnie Crooks being co-opted as an elder. Pray for Ronnie as he prayerfully offers himself in service to God and his church in this way. Pray for wisdom and discernment among the congregation. Pray also for Winnie as she seeks to support and encourage Ronnie.