Sunday 29th September
This morning, we are thinking about what it means to live as a Christian community. Pray for our church family. Pray for a strengthening of relationships between each of us. Pray that the way we live as a community would leave an impression on those watching.

Monday 30th September
Ballywillan Kirk Session meet tonight to discuss a way forward in filling the vacancy. Pray for the kirk session and the congregation. Pray not only for a filling of the vacancy but a renewed sense of hope after a disappointing congregational meeting earlier in the year.
Tuesday 1st October

Wednesday 2nd October
GB and Little Treasures meet today. These are incredible opportunities for our church to engage with the community. Pray for all who attend both organisations asking that God would use them to draw more people unto himself.

Thursday 3rd October
The Bible study meets tonight. Thank God for all who come along to this and pray that it would be an opportunity for each of us to deepen our faith in Jesus Christ.
Friday 4th October
Cynthia faithfully produces this diary week by week, among many other administrative duties. She also provides an important ministry of friendship to all who call in to the office. Thank God for Cynthia and pray that she continues to be a blessing to so many within our congregation.
Saturday 5th October
Blaze and Chill meet tonight. Pray for our young people asking God to draw them away from everything that would be harmful and towards his goodness and love.