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As we begin a new year why not make setting aside time for prayer part of the rhythm of 2024.

Sunday 14th January

It is good to remember that we are not the only church meeting this morning. Please pray for the congregation in Burnside Presbyterian today. Thank God for the ways in which they witness to their community. Pray that God would be pleased to add to their numbers because people are coming to faith in Jesus Christ.

Monday 15th January

The after-school Glow Club has so many people wanting to come that some children are on a waiting list. Thank God for the popularity of this club, pray for leaders that allow all children to come week by week. Pray also that as the children sing, play and listen to bible stores that a seed would be planted in young lives that the Lord will bring into full bloom.

Tuesday 16th January

The congregational committee meet tonight. Thank God for the work, much of it unseen, that is carried out by the committee. Pray for wisdom and direction as the committee tackle issues such as reducing the deficit in the church accounts and what modernisation is needed throughout our buildings.

Wednesday 17th January

Accia Path, who run the English classes for Asylum Seekers is holding an information day today. Thank God for the way in which the churches have been working together to help not just with English lessons but in many other ways. Pray for our country that as we develop our immigration policy that it would be based on justice, fairness and compassion for the oppressed.

Thursday 18th January

The Bible Study group meets tonight to think some more about the book of James. Thank God for the way in which people have been drawn to this and for how they have been engaging with scripture. Pray that this group would grow not just in numbers but depth of understanding and faith.

Friday 19th January

We seem to be entering a period when our public sector workers are increasingly frustrated and dissatisfied resulting in more industrial action. Pray for our public sector workers. Pray they would know the value we place on them. Pray also for fairness, justice, and a sense of what is possible to prevail as various pay and conditions negotiations take place.

Saturday 20th January

Pray for the families in our congregation and community. Pray that they would find the time to spend quality time together. Pray for relationships within families and communities. Thank God for the support networks that already exist within our community and pray that more people will make use of them.