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Each Sunday morning we publish a prayer diary which is designed to help us pray more regularly throughout the week. We would be delighted for as many people as possible to join us in prayer.

Sunday 29th October

Our Kirk Session meeting last Tuesday was a joint meeting with Burnside as heard a presentation from an organisation called Safe Families. We heard about the need for churches to be a source of support and friendship to families who are finding life difficult for various reasons. Please pray for families in our community. Pray for unity and continued togetherness.

Monday 30th October 

This evening Stuart is meeting a candidate for the ministry who will be taking part in a short placement within our congregation. Currently it is estimated that our church has a short fall of 70 ministers. Pray for ministry within our church, pray also for vacant congregations who endure long vacancies because of this shortfall.

Tuesday 31st October

Today is Halloween, a time when ghosts and ghouls are seen as harmless fun. Yet there is an evil reality that ought not to be meddled with. Pray especially for the protection of our children, ask that they would be filled by everything that is good, holy and righteous. That they would celebrate the work of the Holy Spirit and shun all that is evil.  

Wednesday 1st November

There are many in our congregation who are unable to get to church as they once did. With this comes a sense of loneliness and isolation. Take time to pray for some of the people we no longer see Sunday by Sunday. Why not also take time to visit with them and remind them that they are still loved and part of our church family.

Thursday 2nd November

Tonight, we begin a new 5-week course on the life of Elijah. Pray that as we take time to study and think about God’s word that we would see more clearly just what Jesus Christ has done for us. Pray that our faith would be strengthened and so we would be better equipped to share the gospel with friends and neighbours.

Friday 3rd November

Schools have been on half term holidays. Pray that both teachers and children will have been refreshed. Pray especially for p7 children who will be making final preparations for the transfer tests. Ask that they will know God’s peace and presence as that day approaches.

Saturday 4th November

Pray for the local churches in Portstewart. Pray especially for the Baptist as they welcome a new outreach pastor onto their team. Pray that as he meets other ministers and church workers that there would be a sense of unity of spirit and purpose for the gospel being shared in our town.