Sunday 20th October
This morning is our GB enrolment service. Take this opportunity to pray not only for the girls but their families. Pray also for the captain (Julie Watters) and her team of officers and leaders. Start children off on the way they should go, and even they are old they will not turn from it. (Proverbs 22:6)

Monday 21st October
Each Monday morning Stuart meets with Michelle to plan the week ahead. Pray for Michelle as she builds trust with our young people. Pray also that she would be able to develop relationships with the families of our young people.

Tuesday 22nd October
Portstewart Primary School annual harvest service is being held in the church this morning. Thank God for the privilege of hosting this service and pray that this would be a positive experience of being part of a church community for all who will attend.
Wednesday 23rd October
The vacancy in Ballywillan Presbyterian Church continues. Pray for the Kirk Session as they seek to find a way forward. Pray that God would be clear in directing not only the Kirk Session but the one he has appointed to continue his work among the people of Ballywillan. Pray that the congregation would remain in good heart and not be discouraged.
Thursday 24th October
The bible study group meets tonight at 7:30 in the minor hall. Pray for wisdom as we read through God’s word and try to understand how it applies to our lives, culture and society. Pray that we as a church would have an increased confidence in the word of God and a willingness to accept it as God’s word to us.
Friday 25th October
Pray for the witness of our church. Our buildings are situated in prime locations surrounded by schools and local families. Pray that as we worship and seek to be part of the community in which we have been placed that Jesus would be honoured and glorified. Pray that we as a community of God’s people would be a light to those around us.
Saturday 26th October
As we approach another Sunday morning, pray that as we worship God we would encounter and experience his presence in such a way that we are changed by him. Truly me soul finds rest in God; my salvation comes from him. (Psalm 62:1)