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Each Sunday morning we publish a prayer diary which is designed to help us pray more regularly throughout the week. We would be delighted for as many people as possible to join us in prayer.

Sunday 22nd October

This morning we read the names of Helen Davies, Samantha McPeak and Julie Watters for the second Sunday as we continue the process of electing new elders. Please pray for Helen, Samantha and Julie as they have allowed their names to become part of a very public process. Pray they would know God’s blessing and presence in the coming days and weeks.

Monday 23rd October 

Can these bones live? (Ezekiel 37:3) When Ezekiel was presented with the valley of dry bones, he was asked Can these bones live? As part of the process of bringing the bones to life God told Ezekiel to Prophesy, to speak God’s word to the bones. Take time this morning to remind yourself of God’s word to us, the church today. Read Colossians 3: 1-17 and pray that God would lift our eyes to Christ and everything he has done for us.

Tuesday 24th October

Kirk Session is meeting tonight along with Burnside elders to hear a presentation from an organisation called Safe Families Safe families aims to help families who are in crisis for one reason or another. Pray for both Kirk Sessions, pray for the families in our community who find themselves in a difficult situation and pray that we as a combined Presbyterian witness would make a difference in our community.

Wednesday 25th October

On Sunday morning we welcomed our Girls Brigade into the church for their enrolment service. Thank God for the girls, the leaders, officers and captain of the GB. Pray that the GB would be a place where girls find friendships, love and above all that it would be a place where they see the love and faithfulness of God through Jesus Christ.

Thursday 26th October

Karen Elliot sends birthday cards to every child connected to the church, be that through baptism, Treasure Hunters, GB, Youth Club or the schools club. Thank God for Karen and this important work. Thank God also for the approximately 100 children that we as a church have weekly contact with. Pray that God would bless this work and that it would become a stepping stone to bring more families into our church family and faith in Jesus Christ.

Friday 27th October

The congregations of Moneydig and Second Kilrea where Stuart was minister are still vacant almost 2 and a half years since he moved to Portstewart. This is a story repeated many times over throughout our denomination. Pray for Moneydig and Second Kilrea, pray also regarding the difficulty are church has in finding new ministers and for the new ways it is trying to find to provide stable ministry for many small congregations. 

Saturday 28th October

Blaze and Chill (Youth Clubs) meet tonight. Thank God for the work Michelle is doing among our young people. Pray that as she adjusts to working on her own over these next weeks that she would know encouragement and support from us as a congregation, but also that she would be encouraged through the work she is carrying out.