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It was a special St Patricks Day 2023 for one member of Portstewart Presbyterian Church. Nan Hayes was delighted to receive a 100th Birthday Card from the King.

Born on the 17th March 1923, Nan has been a Portstewart girl all her life. She was from good farming stock, learning from an early age what it meant to work hard on the family farm. Nan enjoyed those farming days.

It’s incredible to imagine the changes Nan has witnessed over her 100 years. Even this method of congratulating and celebrating her 100 years was unthinkable until recently.

One thing that hasn’t changed over Nan’s 100 years is her faith. She remains very much a woman of faith in Jesus Christ. One of the highlights of the year is the visit to celebrate home communion with her.

Nan, thank you for your wisdom, your laughter and your prayers and many happy returns on such an incredible birthday.