The first Sunday of Lent is 9th March. We celebrate Lent to create time and space in our lives to prepare for Easter. The Easter Story is at the very heart of the Christian Gospel. Easter tells the story of the ultimate sacrifice when the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world was slain so that all who believe may have eternal life.

Over the six Sundays in Lent as we prepare for Easter in Portstewart we will be thinking about Jesus I am sayings. We have called this series Jesus said, ‘I Am’. Our hope is that as we consider what Jesus said about himself that we would learn to trust in truth. Of course the greatest truth to trust is Jesus resurrection and incredible victory over death.

All to often Lent is reduced to giving up chocolate in today’s world. Why not use this time to do something much more meaningful. Come along to Portstewart Presbyterian Church for the 6 Sundays in lent at 10:30 am and who knows instead of learning to live without chocolate, we might learn what it is to live with Jesus.
Date | Passage | Speaker |
9/3/25 | John 6: 35-40 | Wesley Quinn |
16/3/25 | John 8: 12-20 | Stuart Morrow |
23/3/25 | John 10: 1-10 | Stuart Morrow |
30/3/25 | John 10: 11-18 | Stuart Morrow |
6/4/25 | John 11: 17-27 | Stuart Morrow |
13/4/25 Palm Sunday | John 14: 6 | Stuart Morrow |
18/4/25 Good Friday | Isaiah 53:12 | Stuart Morrow |
20/4/25 Easter Sunday | 1 Corinthians 15: 3-8 | Stuart Morrow |