The ending of a holiday and getting back to the routine of life is an opportunity to make significant lifestyle changes. With this new beginning can come new prayers, a cry to God that this season would be different from the last, that life would take a step forward.
Over the next two weeks we will be thinking about how we can know God through these prayers. We will be looking at two very different examples of how God meets us in our prayers.
On Sunday 18th August we will meet a man call Jairus whose daughter was desperately ill. Jairus sent messengers to Jesus asking that he would come and heal his daughter, and after some delays, Jesus responded and the girl was restored. (Read Luke 8: 40-56)
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Then on Sunday 25th August we will read about a very different expereince of prayer. The Apostle Paul, known for incredible displays of God’s power and numerous examples of people being healed through him, yet in his personal life we’re told that he prayed three times for a thorn in the flesh to be removed. There was something in his life he desperatly wanted to be rid off but God did not grant his prayer. Even in this unanswered prayer Paul met God in an incredibly powerful way. (Read 2 Corinthians 12: 1-10)
So, whether you have been praying for years and it seems as though God has not answered, or you’ve been astounded because in truth you didn’t expect God to answer, but he did, why not come along on Sunday morning at 10:30 and discover how we know God through all our prayers.

Stuart is back from holiday and will be leading us in worship and in our thinking.