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This Sunday (5th of March 2023) we begin a new Sunday morning series thinking about the grace of giving. The offering, in all of its forms; Free Will Offering, Building Fund, United Appeal as well as other special appeals, is an integral part of our worship.

God has freely given to us, our response is to freely give in return, to the work of the church as well as improving the conditions of our fellow man.

In this series we will talk about the vision of our church. What is it we are being asked to give to and for what purpose.

The series will begin with Stuart setting out the vision for the work of the church and how we as a congregation can get involved in turning that vision into a reality.

Martin Hampton, convenor of the United Appeal Panel will come and speak to us on Sunday 12th March about the work and importance of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland’s United Appeal.

This series will not be just another appeal for money, or an urging for the congregation to give more. The generosity of the congregation has already been recognised in how it has given to the United Appeal, World Development Appeal and the Moderator’s Appeal for Ukraine. Rather this series will aim to help us understand the place of our giving in the context of our worship of God.

Why not come along and find out more about how we can partner in the work of the church at home and abroad over the next 4 Sundays at 10:30 am.