Girls’ Brigade
Are you at a loose end on a Wednesday night? No where to go? Bored and fed up? Why don’t you come down to the church hall and join in the fun at our Girls Brigade? We have created a safe space for you to learn new life skills, make new friendships, learn about God and enjoy yourself.
The programme we offer is varied so whether you enjoy activities like badminton or music, drama or cooking, crafts or running an event we should have something available to interest you.
Most importantly we are a family of girls who support each other, care for each other and hold Christ at the centre of everything we do. Why not come and join us?
Explorers, age 3 to P4 meet from 6pm to 7:00pm
Company Section, P5 upwards meet from 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm.
GB Enrolment
Thank you to the Captain, officers and girls of the GB for another encouraging enrolment service. https://youtu.be/sQG01X_b84o Portstewart Explorers singing I'm so blessed https://youtu.be/-NM8Pnjy1fI
GB Enrolment
This Sunday (20th October) is our annual GB enrolment service. This is a special day in the life of our GB company and our church family because it is the day when we officially say that the girls are members of the GB company here in Portstewart. This is always a...
GB is Back!
Good News! GB is starting back on Wednesday 4th September following a registration night on Wednesday 28th August, when you can pay the registration fee of £20 and be fitted for uniform.. GB promises another year packed full of games, bible stories, crafts and of...

Enfield St,
BT55 7BS
T: 028 7083 4529
E: office@portstewartpresbyterian.org
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