This Sunday (20th October) is our annual GB enrolment service. This is a special day in the life of our GB company and our church family because it is the day when we officially say that the girls are members of the GB company here in Portstewart. This is always a wonderful occasion when the church is filled with the girls family and friends. After the service we all go back up to the hall for what has become our traditional hotdog lunch. The girls love the opportunity to eat with their friends (and blow off some energy as they run around the hall). We as a church enjoy hosting the lunch because we get to spend time with the girls and their families.
So do please come along this Sunday at 10:30 to support the Girls Brigade as they make their enrolment promises and celebrate the fact they are part of this incredible GB family.
If you haven’t yet been part of GB, it’s not to late. The girls meet every Wednesday night. Under 5’s and Explorers between 6 and 7 pm while the juniors and company section all meet from 7 – 8:30.
Portstewart GB girls excel in district badminton competition