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As part of our Easter Celebrations in Portstewart Presbyterian Church we welcomed the boys and girls from Portstewart Primary School into our halls to not only hear, but experience the Easter Story.

Children from Portstewart Primary School

The children were able to see and hold palm branches as they heard the story of Jesus triumphant entry into Jeruslaem told through video and story telling. Some children had their feet washed as the story moved on to the upper room and that incredible moment when Jesus stooped to wash his disciples feet.

What’s happening in Portstewart this Easter

A table was set, complete with bread and juice, which was broken and poured out for the children to enjoy as they heard about that last supper Jesus enjoyed with his disciples.

As the story took a more sinister turn some of the children drunk from a cup of vinegar as we tried to understand Jesus prayer in Gethsemane, Father if this cup can be taken from me, before the story moved onto his arrest and crucifixion. A rope to be tied up with, nails and hammer to handle, a crown of thorns to be worn all helped us understand the sacrifice Jesus made for each one of us.

Just as the temple curtain was torn in two at the point of Jesus death, so the curtain on our stage opened, revealing the glory of God in all of it’s fullness. The barrier between sinful man and holy God forever removed.

At Jesus tomb we had the opportunity to roll back the stone and look inside. The only thing to be found, folded grave clothes and the announcement, He is not here, he has risen.

Thank you to all the children and staff in Portstewart Primary School for helping to make the Easter Story come to life.