Christmas is about much more than parties and trees, it is about the birth of a saviour. There are lots of opportunities in Portstewart to take time and reflect on this incredible miracle of advent. As well as our normal Sunday morning services our nativity service will be on Sunday 15th December at 10:30 and our carol service the 22nd December at 6:30 pm. Of course Christmas wouldn’t be the same without our Christmas morning service at 10:00 am.

Our Christmas Tree festival has been extended for another day. You can still come and see the trees on Saturday 14th December between 10:00 am and 6:00 pm. This really will be the last chance to see the colour and sparkle of all the trees so do make sure you come along.

The celebrations continue even after the tree festival closes. On Saturday evening our family Christmas Party takes place in the church hall. Eternity Socials will provide the party atmosphere and Crafts for Christ will be there to help us make those last minute Christmas decorations. Who knows, maybe we will have the odd special visitor calling in as well.

Why not come along and join us at some or all of what is on offer. Christmas is a truly wonderful time of the year, make it even more special this year by reflecting of the true reason we celebrate.