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Harvest in Portstewart

Harvest in Portstewart

This year harvest in Portstewart Presbyterian church will be Sunday 9th of October with services at 10:30 am and 6:30 pm with a lunch in aid of Tearfund immediately after the morning service.

Harvest is always a time of celebration and thanksgiving for God’s goodness throughout the year. Even in times of economic hardships, as we have today, it is still important for us to come together and thank God for all that he has given.

Harvest is also an opportunity for us to give back, to share our blessings with others. The harvest festival along with the presentation of gifts of fruit, veg. and other produce comes from the Old Testament festivals of weeks and ingathering. In these festivals the first fruits, sometimes produce taken before the harvest had actually been gathered in, were presented to God in the temple. This was a sign of thanks, but also a willingness for God to have the best of the crop.

It is in this spirit of offering to God the best of our crop that we are asking for gifts which can be distributed to the foodbank. These gifts will be used to decorate the church for the services, a symbolic offering to God, and then afterwards they will be taken to the local foodbank where those who need them most will get them.

Every year our organisations decorate a window, usually with a mixture of harvest offerings and other items that tell the story of what we have been doing throughout the year. The church will be open on Saturday the 8th of October to allow for decorating to take place and gifts to be left in.

Why not come along and help by contributing and also decorating the church for the service. You will be most welcome.

Mum’s and Tots Reopens

Mum’s and Tots Reopens

One of the questions asked of the church most often over the last 18 months has been, when will your mums and tots reopen? We are now delighted to be able to say that the answer to that question is Wednesday 14th September at 10 am.

Delighted to Announce

As if this wasn’t enough good news, we are also delighted to announce that we will be forming a partnership with our local primary school. This exciting new partnership will see the church linking with the school enabling parents to see inside and meet some of the staff, while the children will enjoy story times, as well as becoming familiar with some of the faces who may well become their teachers in the very near future.

Serving the local community

Mrs Taylor, principal of the primary school spoke of her excitement at the church and school linking in this way “It’s important that our local mums and dads along with their children get to see there is something special about their primary school.” Mrs Taylor went on to talk about the importance of the primary school serving the local community.

It’s important that our local mums and dads along with their children get to see there is something special about their primary school.

Mrs Taylor, principal of the primary school

Why not come along ?

If you have children of pre-school age, if you’re wondering how you will entertain them this incoming year, why not come along to the Mums and Tots in Portstewart Presbyterian Church Halls, we’d love to see you.

Welcome to the Girl’s Brigade

Welcome to the Girl’s Brigade

Girls’ Brigade is a fun and exciting youth organisation that provides a full range of enjoyable activities that caters for all girls aged 3-18 years. It is a great place to meet new friends and we encourage girls to be more confident and to be free to be themselves.

Our GB company operates a varied programme through the GB Session that suits all girls. This helps them to work towards badges in four key areas – spiritual, physical, educational and service.

Weekly activities include Bible teaching, games, craft, drama, singing and helping others. Awards can be achieved for regular attendance at company nights.

At Portstewart Presbyterian we meet every Wednesday evening in the church hall.

Explorers (3 – 7 yrs) 6 – 7:00 pm
Juniors (8 – 10 yrs)7:00 – 8:30 pm
Seniors (11 – 13 yrs)7:00 – 8:30 pm
Brigaders (14+ Yrs)7:00 – 8:30 pm
Girls’ Brigade Sections

“Seek, Serve and Follow Christ”

Girls’ Brigade Motto

In Girls’ Brigade you will also:

• Learn to seek, serve and follow Christ.
• Grow your faith and find answers.
• Build self-esteem.
• Discover new gifts and skills.
• Get creative.
• Be part of a team
• Be safe, valued and have fun

We are looking forward to having all the girls back in September and welcoming new ones. We are so excited to see what the new session brings and pray that God will bless everyone involved in Girls Brigade, from the very youngest to the very oldest.

The Girls’ Brigade crest

There are four important features within the crest that have special significance for us as Christians:

  • In the centre a cross; the symbol of Christ and His Church.
  • Below the cross a lamp, that our light may shine out upon the world.
  • Above the cross is a crown; that we may own Christ as our King.
  • Behind all a torch; the flame of Christ’s living Spirit and our devotion to Him.”

New Treasure in Portstewart

New Treasure in Portstewart

Something new for Sunday this September

This September there is something new in Portstewart Presbyterian Church. Treasure Hunters is about the search for the treasures of scripture for children of primary school age. Treasure Hunters will be every Sunday at 10:30 in Portstewart Presbyterian Church.

Search for the treasures of scripture

Treasure Hunters is open to all children of primary school age

In Treasure Hunters our children will read and learn the stories of scripture through games, memory verses, song and crafts. Treasure Hunters is open to all children of primary school age, children who already attend church activities such as GB and Blaze. Crucially Treasure Hunters is also for children who don’t yet come to anything in the church but have enjoyed the programs we’ve been running in the school.

Treasure Hunters – Further information

The Treasure Hunter program will begin at 10:30 sharp and at 11:10 all the treasure hunters will join the rest of us in church for a family time of worship and bible reading, before being collected by parents at 11:30.

Treasure Hunters will be run and organised by Wendy Porter and her team of helpers.


You are welcome

Why not come and join us in our treasure hunt each Sunday morning at 10:30 in Portstewart Presbyterian Church.

Contact the church office (Wednesday to Friday 10:00 -13:00) on 028 7083 4529 or email