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Prayer Diary

Prayer Diary

Sunday 27th October

This morning Stanley is leading worship while Stuart is in Ballywillan. Pray for Stanley, pray also for Stuart and the congregation of Ballywillan as they are updated on how the vacancy is progressing.

Monday 28th October

This week is traditionally the beginning of the communion season. A week of reflection and preparation as communion Sunday approaches. Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. (Psalm 139:23) What so we worry about? What pre-occupies our minds? Lay this before the Lord and seek his peace.

Tuesday 29th October

Search me, God… see if there is any offensive way in me… (Psalm 139:24) What are the things we need to confess to God? What are the sins, the actions, the secrets no-one else knows and we strive to keep hidden but we know they need to be brought into the light of God’s grace.

Wednesday 30th October

Search me, God… and lead me in the way everlasting. (Psalm 139:24) What does it mean to follow Jesus as his disciple? What does it mean to rest in Christ alone for our salvation? Pray that God would draw us closer to him, deepening our relationship with him.

Thursday 31st October  

Who is like the Lord our God, the One who sits enthroned on high, who stoops down to look on the heavens and the earth? (Psalm 113:5-6) Take time to thank God for the incredible way in which he not only reaches down to us, but stoops, bends, humbles himself to come to us. Thank God that we don’t have to attain his glory and position because he comes to us.

Friday 1st November

This evening is our pre-communion service when we will be welcoming 6 new communicants. Thank God for the growth there has been in our church membership over the last three years. Pray for our new communicants that they would find not only a family to be nurtured in, but a place in which they can serve.

Saturday 2nd November

This evening is our family light party. Pray for Michelle and her team who are putting this together. Pray that at a time when so many people are obsessed with all that is dark, the light of Jesus will shine.  

GB Enrolment

GB Enrolment

This Sunday (20th October) is our annual GB enrolment service. This is a special day in the life of our GB company and our church family because it is the day when we officially say that the girls are members of the GB company here in Portstewart. This is always a wonderful occasion when the church is filled with the girls family and friends. After the service we all go back up to the hall for what has become our traditional hotdog lunch. The girls love the opportunity to eat with their friends (and blow off some energy as they run around the hall). We as a church enjoy hosting the lunch because we get to spend time with the girls and their families.

So do please come along this Sunday at 10:30 to support the Girls Brigade as they make their enrolment promises and celebrate the fact they are part of this incredible GB family.

If you haven’t yet been part of GB, it’s not to late. The girls meet every Wednesday night. Under 5’s and Explorers between 6 and 7 pm while the juniors and company section all meet from 7 – 8:30.

Register here for GB

Portstewart GB girls excel in district badminton competition

Martha, Sophie & Jodie

United Appeal

United Appeal

Harvest Celebrations

Harvest Celebrations

This year in our harvest morning service we will be asking what does it mean to Taste and see that the Lord is good. We will of course be surrounded by flowers and vegetables as well as the numerous offerings for the food bank. Surely God’s goodness goes beyond the church decorations, and what is it to taste such goodness? Taste is something we experience, it is one of our 5 senses and so we will seek to experience the goodness of God. There will be a very practical way of experiencing God’s goodness as we will be having lunch together immediately after the service.

In the evening we will continue this theme of experiencing the goodness of God, but this time we will ask how can we know God’s goodness in a difficult season of life. Where is the goodness of God in illness, or bereavement, or unemployment? We will look at God’s promise to restore the lost years found in Joel 2:25. And I will restore to you the years the locust hath eaten.

Why not come along on Sunday 13th October at 10:30 am and 6:30 pm to not only celebrate but experience the goodness of God – regardless of your situation.

Congratulations Rebecca and Jeff

What a pleasure to be part of Rebecca and Jeff’s wedding. Wishing you God’s richest blessing on your life together.