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Prayer Diary

Prayer Diary

This week we are using advent prayers and reflections written by some of the great heroes of the Christian faith. The language may be archaic in places, but take the time to allow the words, thoughts and meanings to sink in as you reflect on the importance of advent.

Sunday 10th December

O blessed Love of God, that all may taste and see how good thou art, once more I pray: Love through me – even me. (Amy Carmichael 1867-1951)

Monday 11th December 

Wherever in the world I am, in whatsoever estate, I have a fellowship with hearts to keep and cultivate; and a work of lowly love to do for the Lord on whom I wait. (Anna Laetitia Waring 1820-1910)

Tuesday 12th December

Let your love so warm our souls, O Lord, that we may gladly surrender ourselves with all that we are and have to you. Let your love fall as fire from heaven upon the altar of our hearts; teach us to guard it carefully by continual devotion and quietness of mind, and to cherish with anxious care every spark of its holy flame, with which your good Spirit would quicken us. (Gerhard Tersteegen 1697-1769)

Wednesday 13th December

Whatever you, Lord, ordain is right: Here shall my stand be taken; through sorrow, need, or death be mine, yet I am not forsaken. My Father’s care is round me there; you hold me that I shall not fall; and so to you I leave it all. (Samuel Rodigast 1649-1708)

Thursday 14th December

Ah, Lord, dost thou not see my heart? Alas, how little love! I pray thee, do not lose thy part; drop softness from above. Oh, keep it tender, keep it soft, that I may know to raise, and quickly fir the lowest string, unto a tune of praise. (John Mason 1646-1694)

Friday 15th December

Lord, my heart is before you, I try, but I myself can do nothing; do what I cannot. Admit me into the inner room of your love. (Anselm of Canterbury 1033-1109)

Saturday 9th December

Come down, O love divine, seek thou this soul of mine, and visit it with thine own ardour glowing. O comforter, draw near, within my heart appear, and kindle it, thy holy flame bestowing. (Bianco da Siena 1350-1399)    

Congregational Meeting

Congregational Meeting

There will be a congregational meeting on Sunday 17th December immediately after Sunday worship.

The purpose of this meeting will be to appoint new property trustees. The Presbytery Education Board are the current property trustees. These boards are being wound up which means the congregation must appoint new trustees. There are two options.

  1. Appoint trustees from within the congregation. The disadvantage to this option is that these trustees must be kept up to date. People will step down from the role, but there will also be circumstances when trustees die in post. The congregation will then have to keep the trustees up to date and each change will require legal assistance.
  2. Appoint the new Presbyterian Church in Ireland Trustee Company. The advantage of this option is that the trustees will always be in place and the congregation will not have to keep appointing new trustees.

What do property trustees do?

Property trustees act on behalf of the congregation when buying or selling land or buildings. Trustees can only act at the instruction of the congregational committee. Trustees cannot make decisions for themselves. Having trustees, as we have done, that are not members of the congregation is not a way of forfeiting ownership or decision making by the congregation.

What will happen at the congregational meeting.

At the congregational meeting the congregation will be asked to approve the appointing of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland Trustee Company as trustees. If the congregation chooses not to do this we will then have an election to elect trustees from among the congregation.

Prayer Diary Sunday 3rd December

Prayer Diary Sunday 3rd December

Sunday 3rd December

Thank God for the results from our congregational meeting: Helen, Samantha & Julie all received the overwhelming support of the congregation and so will now undergo a period of training before a conferral with Presbytery. Please continue to pray for each of the three new elders elect. Click on the picture below to find out more.

Monday 4th December 

As we enter the Christmas period it is good to remember that for some this is a time of great sadness and difficulty. People are on their own, they miss loved ones who have died through the year. For some children it is a time when they become acutely aware that their family is very different to everyone else’s. Pray fro those for whom Christmas is difficult.

Tuesday 5th December

Presbytery will meet tonight. A busy agenda will include nominations for an incoming moderator, discussions around how ministry will be re-configured. We will also seek permission to offer Michelle a full-time position as Youth and Family Worker. Ballywillan will also present their vacancy papers to Presbytery. Please pray for what will be a busy meeting.

Wednesday 6th December

Little Treasurers’, our mums and tots’ group, has been incredibly successful this session. Thank God for the opportunity to provide a safe space for families and an opportunity for parents to meet and talk. Pray for Julia and her team of leaders as they model an example of family worship each Wednesday morning. Click on the picture below to find out more.

Thursday 7th December

We continue to have a few of our members in hospital. Please pray for families who worry about the health of loved ones. Pray especially for those who have been in hospital for a lengthy period. Pray for God’s healing and strengthening.

Friday 8th December

Our tech team, headed up by Alistair Nichol & David Porter continue to provide an invaluable service Sunday by Sunday. Thank God for Alistair and David, but also thank God for the different young people who do so much to help and improve our audio-visual output each Sunday.

Saturday 9th December

Ronnie Hyndman continues to faithfully care for our buildings. Thank God for all that Ronnie does and pray that he would know God’s blessing and presence as he serves the church.   

Congregational Meeting to Elect Elders

Congregational Meeting to Elect Elders

I am delighted to be able to announce that all three of our prospective new elders, Helen Davies, Samantha McPeak, and Julie Watters received well in excess of the required two thirds of the votes cast in today’s congregational meeting.

Thank you to everyone who prayerfully took part in both the initial election and today’s meeting. The next stage for Helen, Samantha and Julie is that they will undergo 6 weeks training and an interview with presbytery. Please do continue to pray for each of our prospective new elders as they continue with this process.

Family Holiday

Family Holiday

The PCI Family Holiday takes place in the week immediately following the Easter weekend each year. It offers something for everyone. Families who come along can expect a time to relax, a range of activities and the opportunity to make new friends. Over the years, many families have found the holiday to be a place in which they can spend time away together and enjoy fellowship, support and encouragement.

It offers something for everyone. Families who come along can expect a time to relax, a range of activities to enjoy together and the opportunity to make new friends.

Accommodation is provided in Castlewellan Castle in a variety of rooms suitable for families of all sizes and all meals are included.

You can also find out more about the Family Holiday by contacting the Congregational Life and Witness department by telephone +44 (0)28 9041 7246 or email

The Family Holiday 2024 will take place from Tuesday 2 – Friday 5 April 2024.

Funding for this holiday is available the Presbyterian Children’s society.

Prayer Diary Sunday 26th November

Prayer Diary Sunday 26th November

Sunday 26th November

The Youth Fellowship meets tonight. This is an important opportunity for our young people to spend time reading and discussing the word of God to discover how it applies to their lives. Please pray for our young people, pray that they would mature in their relationship with God.

Monday 27th November 

Several of the ladies in our congregation meet each Monday for coffee. Pray for all the relationships within our church. Pray that we would become a family, brothers, and sisters in the Lord.

Tuesday 28th November

The congregational committee meet tonight. Give thanks to God for our committee and pray for them as they seek to be good stewards of our buildings and finances.

Wednesday 29th November

Poverty continues to be a blight on our society. An increasing number of holiday homes within Portstewart create a pressure on housing for families living in the area. A higher-than-average proportion of pupils in the primary school require free school meals. Pray that we as a church would learn how to best respond to the needs in our community.

Thursday 30th November

This evening is the last night of our bible study on the life of Elijah. Thank God for the opportunities we have to read his word together, and to talk about what that means and how it applies to our lives. Pray that we as a church would be able to find ways of creating opportunities for others in our community to read the word of God.

Friday 1st December

Treasure Hunters continues Sunday by Sunday. Give thanks to God for Wendy Porter and her team of helpers who provide a valuable environment for children to hear the stories of the bible, some for the first time. Pray that God would use these stories to reveal himself to our children and their families.

Saturday 2nd December

Michelle continues to run our youth clubs on a Saturday night. Pray for Michelle as she connects with the young people but also that she would be able to build relationships with their families.