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Something from Stuart

Something from Stuart

Can you believe the summer is drawing to a close and we are about to embark on another church year? I hope you have been able to find time to rest and recharge your batteries over the summer, even if the weather has been less than kind to us. Certainly, Julia and I enjoyed our break and we now approach another year refreshed and excited at what the Lord has in store for us as a church in the coming months.

This has also been a significant summer for Michelle Hutchinson. If you are wondering who Michelle Hutchinson is, she is the person we used to know as Michelle Mullan. Michelle married Richard Hutchinson on Tuesday 20th August in our church. I know you will want to join with me in asking for God’s richest blessing for Richard and Michelle. It was a privilege to be able to officiate at their wedding and we look forward to seeing them both worship with us in weeks, months and indeed years ahead.

We have a number of other people getting married in the coming weeks. John Sinclair (a nephew of Mary Sinclair) is marrying Emily Menzies on Monday 26th of August, Rebecca Lemon is marrying Jeff McCormick on the 20th of September and Corey McDowell (Maureen McDowell’s grandson) is marrying Jess French on the 1st of November.

We wish each of these couples God’s richest blessing and I would encourage each of us to commit to pray for them, not just in the run up to their wedding day, but to continue to pray as they build new lives together.

September brings the restarting of much of church life. The GB registration evening will be on Wednesday 28th of August and the first official GB evening will be Wednesday 4th of September. The GB are encouraging girls to register online to help speed up this process. You can do this on the church website by either following the link to the GB page, or using the link in the latest GB update in the blog section of the website ( . Alternatively check the GB or the Church Facebook page.

The Sunday evening Prayer and Praise service will begin again on Sunday 1st of September and the congregational bible study on Thursday 5th of September. If you have never been to either of these then could I encourage you to consider coming along this autumn. The Christian life is not a life to be led in isolation, it is a call to be part of a redeemed community of God’s people. We are to meet together for worship Sunday by Sunday, not giving up meeting together as some are in the habit of doing… (Hebrews 10:25) We are also to meet together for prayer…devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful…(Colossians 4:2) The Prayer and Praise service along with the Bible Study are opportunities to be obedient to God’s word, but they are not places where anyone will be put under pressure or made to feel uncomfortable. 

In September we will begin a new series on the book of Acts which will take us some time to work through, although we will do this in short bite sized segments. Acts gives a wonderful picture of how the early church came together and grew, despite some quite horrendous persecution. This is a preaching series the elders have asked for as they try to help us understand what it means for us to live out our mission statement that we worship God, serve our community and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ.

In September we will also be relaunching our youth fellowship which will be called established. We have taken Ephesians 3: 17, being rooted and established in love our young people may have the power to grasp how wide, and long and high and deep is the love of Christ. We want to create an environment where our young people are discipled and encouraged to deepen understanding and indeed commitment to Christ. We want to see them established in the church and in their faith. If you have young people of secondary school age, then please do encourage them to come along to this on the 2nd and 4th Sunday evenings of the month. We will have more promotional material coming shortly for this.

This of course is only a snapshot of what is starting up again. To keep fully abreast of what is happening keep an eye on our website, social media and the printed announcement sheets which are issued Sunday by Sunday. If you miss a week and want an announcement sheet, they are normally available to download alongside the recording of the service each week.

As always it is with sadness that we report the deaths of much-loved members of our congregation since I last wrote to you.

Doreen Boyd died on the 27th of April 2024

Margaret Logan died on the 28th of May 2024

Kathleen Stewart died on the 20th of June 2024

Edna McFarland died on the 26th of June 2024

Phyllis McKergan died on the 9th of July 2024

Jean Wallace died on the 12th of July 2024

Noel Johnston died on the 15th of July 2024

Please do continue to pray for those who mourn. Each name listed represents a family still struggling to come to terms with death of a loved one. Ask that God by his Spirit would bring the comfort and hope that is only found in the gospel of Jesus Christ.

We have also had cause to celebrate, especially due to the baptism of Esme Poppy Nicholl who was baptised on Sunday 23rd June. Esme will be familiar to many of you as she has taken her place at the front of the church while her mum Samantha helps lead us in worship. Continue to give thanks for Esme, and all our children, and pray that they would grow in their knowledge and understanding of the Lord.

I hope you are looking forward to the new church year. I hope you are excited because of what God is doing amongst us. Please do continue to pray for our church. Pray that we would grow, not only in numbers, but also in the depth of our faith. If it has been a while since you’ve been out with us, or if you have never been, then why not make this September a time to come and be part of our family once more, or even better – to join us for the first time.

Mission Rescue Holiday Bible Club

Mission Rescue Holiday Bible Club

We will be holding our Holiday Bible Club in Portstewart Presbyterian Church Hall on Wednesday 19th, Thursday 20th, and Friday 21st June for P1 – P7 age kids from 6 pm until 8 pm

We will have Songs, Drama, Memory verse, quizzes, Stories, and crafts. Small groups and snacks throughout each evening.

On Saturday 22nd we will be hosting a Family Fun Day and on Sunday 23rd we will be having our Holiday Bible Club celebration at 6.30 pm at our Church Evening Service, come along for a fun-filled week.

You can sign up your child or children using the QR code on the Poster we would love to see your child/children at our Holiday Bible Club this year.

Check out some of the pictures from other holiday bible clubs.

Community Fun Day and Champions League Final

Community Fun Day and Champions League Final

Thanks to everyone who came along to our community fun day and showing of the champions league final. In the middle of what has been some lousy weather we were blessed with wonderful sunshine which was matched only by the smiling faces of those who who came along.

GB Breakfast

GB Breakfast

Well done to all the GB girls who did an incredible job serving around 150 breakfasts to raise money for GB funds. The girls raised an impressive £950.45. All of this hard work will help GB funds. Well done girls, you did a fantastic job.

Prayer Diary Sunday 4th February

Prayer Diary Sunday 4th February

Sunday 4th February

Elders’ training continues today at 3pm. Please do continue to pray for Helen, Samantha and Julie as they think a little deeper about what it means to be an elder. Pray for the Kirk Session as they prepare to welcome three new members. Pray that Kirk Session will be improved by the addition of our three new elders.

Monday 5th February

Michelle and her team of helpers faithfully organise the glow club every Monday afternoon in the school. Pray for the children who come to glow club. Pray that as they play games, sing songs and listen to bible stories that they would begin to understand how much Jesus has done for them.

Tuesday 6th February

All 19 presbyteries in the Presbyterian Church in Ireland meet tonight to elect a new moderator. This year there are five candidates. Trevor Gribben, Richard Kerr, Gary McDowell, Richard Murray and Mairisine Stanfield. Pray for each of the candidates and that God’s will would be made clear through this election.

Wednesday 7th February

Little Treasures, our mums and tots’ group, meets this morning. Thank God for each family represented in this group. Pray that as Julia and her team model family worship through storytelling and singing that this would help families to worship together at home.

Thursday 8th February

Thank God for the work that being done among Asylum Seekers, teaching English. Pray for the work of Acacia Path, the Baptist and our own church as we all work together as a united witness and example of the gospel. Pray for the Asylum process, that it would be fair and timely so as people would not be kept in uncertainty.

Friday 9th February

Pray for our public services, health, transport, security, emergency and many more. Society depends on these services and so it’s not just the services that have suffered these last two years, it has been the whole of society. Pray that as a government is formed that all our services would receive direction and reform, pay and support they need to continue serving our society.

Saturday 10th January

When was the last time you prayed for yourself? Take a few moments this morning to ask God to minister to you. Ask him to speak into your life concerning things that need to be changed, areas of repentance. Pray that we would be aware of God’s presence in these moments of silence and throughout the rest of the day.

Prayer Points

Prayer Points

Points for Prayer

As we begin a new year why not make setting aside time for prayer part of the rhythm of 2024.

Sunday 21st January

Take time to pray for Agherton Church of Ireland this morning. Give thanks for the faithfulness of the people in Agherton. Pray for Malcom and Brian as they lead the people in worship, ask that God would speak through them and that his people would be encouraged.

Monday 22nd January

Pray for our local schools, Portstewart Primary, St Colums Primary School and Dominican College. Pray for the children and their families. Thank God for the teachers and the principals who often deal with complicated pastoral situations.

Tuesday 23rd January

Ballywillan has an appointment with the Linkage Commission today. Pray for Robert Wilson (Clerk of Session) as he leads the delegation from Kirk Session as they seek leave to call a new minister. Pray for the Linkage Commission as they make difficult decisions that affect the life and witness of every congregation in the Presbyterian Church in Ireland.

Wednesday 24th January

Little Treasures continues to provide an important ministry to parents and carers of very young children. Pray for Julia and her team of helpers as they spend time getting to know and building relationship with all who come week by week. Thank God for all the toddler groups in the town.

Thursday 25th January

Stanley and Valarie Stewart continue to co-ordinate our work teaching English to the men in the Rambler hotel. Thank God for Stanley and Valarie along with the many other volunteers from our church. Thank God also for the partnership they are part of with the other churches in the town and Acacia Path, the organisation co-ordinating all the efforts. Pray also for the men in the hotel as well as those who have been moved into other accommodation across the province.

Friday 26th January

Our GB girls in the junior section take part in district team games competitions tonight. Thank God for the work of the GB and the impact it has not only on the girls but their families as well.

Saturday 27th January

Michelle will be working tonight because our youth clubs are back up and running. Pray for Michelle, pray that she would be encouraged in her work but also that she would have insight as to how to meet some of the needs within our community.