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Carol Service Highlights

Carol Service Highlights

If you enjoyed the choir and the praise band at our Carol Service then why not enjoy them again with the highlights below.

Carol Service Highlights

Christmas Tree Festival

This Saturday brings our Christmas Tree festival to a close. If you haven’t been able to see round the trees here is a quick tour of what you have been missing.

The closing of the festival doesn’t bring our Christmas celebrations to a close. There is still a lot of reasons to visit Portstewart Presbyterian this Christmas. Our Nativity Service is on Sunday 15th at 10:30 am. Our Christmas Party is on Saturday 14th at 6:30 and the annual Carol Service is on Sunday 22nd at 6:30 pm and of course Christmas Morning at 10:00 am.

Do come along and celebrate Christmas with us this year.

Carol Service Highlights

Christmas in Portstewart

A weekend to Remember

A weekend to Remember

Prayer Diary

Prayer Diary

Sunday 27th October

This morning Stanley is leading worship while Stuart is in Ballywillan. Pray for Stanley, pray also for Stuart and the congregation of Ballywillan as they are updated on how the vacancy is progressing.

Monday 28th October

This week is traditionally the beginning of the communion season. A week of reflection and preparation as communion Sunday approaches. Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. (Psalm 139:23) What so we worry about? What pre-occupies our minds? Lay this before the Lord and seek his peace.

Tuesday 29th October

Search me, God… see if there is any offensive way in me… (Psalm 139:24) What are the things we need to confess to God? What are the sins, the actions, the secrets no-one else knows and we strive to keep hidden but we know they need to be brought into the light of God’s grace.

Wednesday 30th October

Search me, God… and lead me in the way everlasting. (Psalm 139:24) What does it mean to follow Jesus as his disciple? What does it mean to rest in Christ alone for our salvation? Pray that God would draw us closer to him, deepening our relationship with him.

Thursday 31st October  

Who is like the Lord our God, the One who sits enthroned on high, who stoops down to look on the heavens and the earth? (Psalm 113:5-6) Take time to thank God for the incredible way in which he not only reaches down to us, but stoops, bends, humbles himself to come to us. Thank God that we don’t have to attain his glory and position because he comes to us.

Friday 1st November

This evening is our pre-communion service when we will be welcoming 6 new communicants. Thank God for the growth there has been in our church membership over the last three years. Pray for our new communicants that they would find not only a family to be nurtured in, but a place in which they can serve.

Saturday 2nd November

This evening is our family light party. Pray for Michelle and her team who are putting this together. Pray that at a time when so many people are obsessed with all that is dark, the light of Jesus will shine.  

Prayer Diary

Prayer Diary

Sunday 20th October

This morning is our GB enrolment service. Take this opportunity to pray not only for the girls but their families. Pray also for the captain (Julie Watters) and her team of officers and leaders. Start children off on the way they should go, and even they are old they will not turn from it. (Proverbs 22:6)

Monday 21st October

Each Monday morning Stuart meets with Michelle to plan the week ahead. Pray for Michelle as she builds trust with our young people. Pray also that she would be able to develop relationships with the families of our young people.

Tuesday 22nd October

Portstewart Primary School annual harvest service is being held in the church this morning. Thank God for the privilege of hosting this service and pray that this would be a positive experience of being part of a church community for all who will attend.

Wednesday 23rd October

The vacancy in Ballywillan Presbyterian Church continues. Pray for the Kirk Session as they seek to find a way forward. Pray that God would be clear in directing not only the Kirk Session but the one he has appointed to continue his work among the people of Ballywillan. Pray that the congregation would remain in good heart and not be discouraged.

Thursday 24th October  

The bible study group meets tonight at 7:30 in the minor hall. Pray for wisdom as we read through God’s word and try to understand how it applies to our lives, culture and society. Pray that we as a church would have an increased confidence in the word of God and a willingness to accept it as God’s word to us.

Friday 25th October

Pray for the witness of our church. Our buildings are situated in prime locations surrounded by schools and local families. Pray that as we worship and seek to be part of the community in which we have been placed that Jesus would be honoured and glorified. Pray that we as a community of God’s people would be a light to those around us.

Saturday 26th October

As we approach another Sunday morning, pray that as we worship God we would encounter and experience his presence in such a way that we are changed by him.  Truly me soul finds rest in God; my salvation comes from him. (Psalm 62:1)