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John Burke McDowell

John Burke McDowell

The funeral of John McDowell which took place in Portstewart Presbyterian Church at 2pm on Monday 24th April 2022.

John was an incredibly well-known man in Portstewart, whether it was through the newsagent’s shop, his association with the local Masonic Lodge or the retailer’s association. John, born in the tram station house at the crescent before moving just across the road on Enfield Street was baptised in this church and went on to serve on our committee.

After working for a short time as a teacher, John really became part of the beating heart of the community in Portstewart when he and Maureen took over Maureen’s father’s shop McIntyres. John was a keenly involved in amateur dramatics, an excellent singer and accomplished tap dancer.

John is survived by his wife Maureen and sons Colin, Alan, Owen and David as well as his grandchildren Josh, Lucy, Katie, Michael, Cory, Oliver, Ellen, Ross, Harry, Anna and James and greatgrandchildren Helena and Max.

Having the confidence of Daniel in a changing world

We live in a world that is constantly changing, and for Christians we can be left wondering where we fit into this new reality. The book of Daniel helps us come to terms with a new culture and still remain faithful to God.

Nan and the King

Nan and the King

It was a special St Patricks Day 2023 for one member of Portstewart Presbyterian Church. Nan Hayes was delighted to receive a 100th Birthday Card from the King.

Born on the 17th March 1923, Nan has been a Portstewart girl all her life. She was from good farming stock, learning from an early age what it meant to work hard on the family farm. Nan enjoyed those farming days.

It’s incredible to imagine the changes Nan has witnessed over her 100 years. Even this method of congratulating and celebrating her 100 years was unthinkable until recently.

One thing that hasn’t changed over Nan’s 100 years is her faith. She remains very much a woman of faith in Jesus Christ. One of the highlights of the year is the visit to celebrate home communion with her.

Nan, thank you for your wisdom, your laughter and your prayers and many happy returns on such an incredible birthday.

Bertie the Bookworm’s Amazing Adventures

Bertie the Bookworm’s Amazing Adventures

Every Sunday we send Bertie the Bookworm home with a treasure hunter to read and learn whatever story our treasure hunters have been learning. These are the photographs of his adventures.

Mervyn was never one to be left out

What’s on in Portstewart this Easter

What’s on in Portstewart this Easter

Easter is almost upon us a time to switch off and hopefully enjoy some early spring sunshine with the family. Is that all Easter is? Another holiday, another opportunity to do something different?

At Portstewart Presbyterian Church Easter is about much more. Easter is a celebration of all that Jesus has done for us through his life, death and resurrection. Why not join us to hear and experience the Easter Story through our special services.

Just before the school holidays we welcomed the children of Portstewart Primary School into our halls for a special telling of the Easter story using the senses. Read more here

The theme for our Easter Services is Confidence, hope and power. On Palm Sunday we will think about the confidence we have in Jesus as our King and High Priest. When the children come into the service after Treasure Hunters we will have a special sensory telling of the Palm Sunday story.

On Good Friday the annual churches walk of witness begins at 11:00 am in the Harbour Hill Carpark. This is a wonderful opportunity to walk through the promenade stopping occasionally to hear the story of Jesus passion and death. Then at 7:30 in the church we will have our annual Good Friday Service. The sensory theme to Easter continues in this service as we celebrate Communion together.

It’s an early start on Easter Sunday as we meet on the Harbour Hill at 6:00am for the annual Dawn service before going to Burnside Presbyterian Church for a hearty breakfast.

At 10:30 our Easter Sunday Service will be a packed celebration of new life and resurrection power. The praise group will sing for us, girls from our GB will also sing King of Kings and we will will celebrate the sacrament of Baptism. A packed service full of life and joy and all the while our treasure hunters will still be available for any child of primary school age.

Come along to some or all and celebrate the story of Jesus wonderful grace offered to all.

Grace of Giving

Grace of Giving

This Sunday (5th of March 2023) we begin a new Sunday morning series thinking about the grace of giving. The offering, in all of its forms; Free Will Offering, Building Fund, United Appeal as well as other special appeals, is an integral part of our worship.

God has freely given to us, our response is to freely give in return, to the work of the church as well as improving the conditions of our fellow man.

In this series we will talk about the vision of our church. What is it we are being asked to give to and for what purpose.

The series will begin with Stuart setting out the vision for the work of the church and how we as a congregation can get involved in turning that vision into a reality.

Martin Hampton, convenor of the United Appeal Panel will come and speak to us on Sunday 12th March about the work and importance of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland’s United Appeal.

This series will not be just another appeal for money, or an urging for the congregation to give more. The generosity of the congregation has already been recognised in how it has given to the United Appeal, World Development Appeal and the Moderator’s Appeal for Ukraine. Rather this series will aim to help us understand the place of our giving in the context of our worship of God.

Why not come along and find out more about how we can partner in the work of the church at home and abroad over the next 4 Sundays at 10:30 am.