As we begin a new year why not make setting aside time for prayer part of the rhythm of 2024.
Sunday 7th January
This morning we begin a new series on the book of James. Take time to read this short book and then ask God what it is he is teaching about who we are and who he is. James talks about scripture being like a mirror. Pray that we would see our true reflection in the mirror of God’s word.
Monday 8th January
The vacancy in Ballywillan continues to progress. Tonight, the kirk session in Ballywillan is meeting. Pray for both Kirk Session and congregation at this uncertain and unsettling time. Pray that the congregation would know both the assurance of God’s presence and his sovereignty. Pray that his will would be done.
Tuesday 9th January
Give thanks to God for generosity of our congregation in meeting our United Appeal target. Pray for the work of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland as well as the many partner churches throughout the world. Pray that the United Appeal would be a blessing to those who benefit from it, but also pray that in giving churches and congregations would be blessed knowing that real partnerships in the gospel are possible because of the united appeal.
Wednesday 10th January
Pray for the people of Portstewart. As with any community there is great need in Portstewart. There is a limited supply of affordable housing, families are struggling to make ends meet and the pressures of life leave a mark on relationships. Pray that as the church builds friendships and partnerships among the community that the good news of Jesus Christ would bring hope and light to what for some is a dark tunnel.
Thursday 11th January
Members of our congregation have been in hospital over the Christmas and New Year holidays. Others have had muted celebrations because they have been living with uncertain diagnosis for themselves and loved ones. Pray for all who are sick, or whose loved ones are unwell. Pray for healing but pray also for a sense of peace and assurance whatever the future may hold.
Friday 12th January
Today take time to pray for the Baptist congregation in the town. Pray for Lee Jennings the new outreach pastor who has recently moved to Portstewart from Liverpool. Pray that he and his family would settle into not only a new town and church, but a new culture and way of life.
Saturday 13th January
Youth club starts back tonight. Pray for Michelle and her team of leaders as they seek to provide a safe space where children and young people can enjoy themselves. Pray for the relationships Michelle is developing, not only with the young people but their families, ask that she would have opportunity to not only talk about the gospel but to show the gospel.
Just to start things off, I did NOT want to write this. This is only happening because of a series of very unfortunate events in which I made one joke about writing this thing and-oops!- now I actually have to. The moral of the story? Don’t make jokes in a car full of GB leaders, or else you’ll end up writing a newspaper article when you know nothing about writing newspaper articles.
Anyway, you’re probably here to read about that big badminton match we went to; and I’m going to tell you about it from my perspective! What a shocker.
It all began in my house, where I, who knows about as much about badminton as a toddler does about engineering, was about to go to play in a badminton competition. Scary stuff! I was trying not to worry about it too much, you know, just doing things to calm me down. That was when my mum called me down and gave me the worst news of the day; even worse than having to go to school that morning, even worse than reminding me of my physics exam the following week for the TWENTIETH TIME.
I had to put my hair up.
To you, this may seem normal. But not for me. You see, when I put my hair up I tend to look a little bald, especially in photos. And, of course, there is nothing wrong with being bald, but with my facial structure I tend to look more like I’ll be marching in the troops instead of the Girls Brigade. And so, after a back and forth argument over whether I looked like an egg in photos from the age of 3-13, we settled on some pigtails that made me look like I had just leapt out of High School Musical.
I had to put my hair up.
To you, this may seem normal. But not for me. You see, when I put my hair up I tend to look a little bald, especially in photos. And, of course, there is nothing wrong with being bald, but with my facial structure I tend to look more like I’ll be marching in the troops instead of the Girls Brigade. And so, after a back and forth argument over whether I looked like an egg in photos from the age of 3-13, we settled on some pigtails that made me look like I had just leapt out of High School Musical.
That’s when the car pulled up outside. I grabbed my bag, walked out and questioned every decision that got me to this point.
The first bad event of that evening happened in that very car. For some reason I’d put my seatbelt on while also wearing my bag, which led to me spending the entire journey with the mass of two people under one seatbelt. It was thoroughly uncomfortable.
Eventually we made it to the competition, and once we entered the hall where it was taking place I felt like I’d been swept up by a tsunami of girls, all wearing GB hoodies. Our group was actually the odd one out, only two of us were wearing our hoodies (including me, so haha). Anyway, we had to wait for ages for the thing to actually start, cause they had to go over all the boring stuff like rules and whatever.
And then began what I ever-so-fondly call the ‘Sitting and eating oranges phase’.
It’s kinda in the name, really. We just sat for about half an hour talking and eating Jaffa Cakes and Oranges- though, the oranges were SO GOOD. They were the perfect water to orange ratio, I’d honestly recommend! Oranges aside, we finally ended up playing. I was on Team A (Amazing, Awesome, Actually the best at the game), and the other two were on Team B (Bad, Beastly, BADminton- kidding don’t attack me guys pleaseee!!).
Team A went first, and the game went as you’d expect. We won! I’ll skip most of it cause it wasn’t really interesting.
…Until the 2nd game. We went on, figuring the game would go as normal, but about halfway through the match my teammate HIT A GIRL IN THE EYE WITH THE SHUTTLECOCK. It was a little funny, only a little. And we won that game so, you know, all’s well that ends well.
The 3rd game wasn’t as good though. Apparently the finalists were actually really good at the game, and I was horrible at it, they figured out that I wasn’t as good and you can guess where it went from there…we lost.
And maybe we didn’t win, but you know what they say! First is the worst, second is the best, third is the one with the hairy chest.
Thank you for praying for the life of our congregation through 2023. Please do remember there are opportunities for us to pray together on Sunday mornings before the service and at our prayer and praise services on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month.
Sunday 17th December
Isaiah 9:4 Thank God that the birth of Jesus is the one single event in the whole of history that will lift all the burden of sin that makes life so difficult at times. Thank God that Jesus birth is also what will end every kind of oppression that is still so evident in our world.
Monday 18th December
Micah 5:4 Thank God that Jesus is the Good Shepherd. Take time to remember that the great promise of scripture that we will never be abandoned by the shepherd. Take time today to simply sit in the presence of God, to be aware of his leading, care and love in our lives.
Tuesday 19th December
Isaiah 11:6-9 Christmas is not just about the time when Jesus came to the earth, but a time to look forward to when he will return. Thank God for what will be, the peace and absence of war, death and fear.
Wednesday 20th December
Luke 1:38 Mary offered herself in service to the Lord in an incredible way. Take time today to consider how we might offer ourselves in service to God, the church and one another.
Thursday 21st December
Luke 2:7 Jesus was born into poverty and homelessness. He was a refugee at an early age. Take time to pray for the many people in Gazza, Israel, Ukraine, and many other places across our world who are refugees. Pray for our friends living next door to the church as they spend a Christmas away from their families.
Friday 22nd December
Luke 2:14 It is incredibly easy to let the preparations for Christmas overshadow the meaning of Christmas. Take time today to pause and echo the song of the angels. Give glory to God for all that he has done. Why not list your blessing (count them one by one) and glorify God for all that he has done. Start the list with the fact that Jesus Christ has died for us!
Saturday 23rd December
John 1:5 The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it. Rejoice, and again I say rejoice that the light of Christ continues to shine in this dark world. In the turmoil, in the pain, in the good and in the celebrations. Thank God for the light of Christ, the hope of Christ and the promise of Christ… Happy Christmas!
This week we are using advent prayers and reflections written by some of the great heroes of the Christian faith. The language may be archaic in places, but take the time to allow the words, thoughts and meanings to sink in as you reflect on the importance of advent.
Sunday 10th December
O blessed Love of God, that all may taste and see how good thou art, once more I pray: Love through me – even me. (Amy Carmichael 1867-1951)
Monday 11th December
Wherever in the world I am, in whatsoever estate, I have a fellowship with hearts to keep and cultivate; and a work of lowly love to do for the Lord on whom I wait. (Anna Laetitia Waring 1820-1910)
Tuesday 12th December
Let your love so warm our souls, O Lord, that we may gladly surrender ourselves with all that we are and have to you. Let your love fall as fire from heaven upon the altar of our hearts; teach us to guard it carefully by continual devotion and quietness of mind, and to cherish with anxious care every spark of its holy flame, with which your good Spirit would quicken us. (Gerhard Tersteegen 1697-1769)
Wednesday 13th December
Whatever you, Lord, ordain is right: Here shall my stand be taken; through sorrow, need, or death be mine, yet I am not forsaken. My Father’s care is round me there; you hold me that I shall not fall; and so to you I leave it all. (Samuel Rodigast 1649-1708)
Thursday 14th December
Ah, Lord, dost thou not see my heart? Alas, how little love! I pray thee, do not lose thy part; drop softness from above. Oh, keep it tender, keep it soft, that I may know to raise, and quickly fir the lowest string, unto a tune of praise. (John Mason 1646-1694)
Friday 15th December
Lord, my heart is before you, I try, but I myself can do nothing; do what I cannot. Admit me into the inner room of your love. (Anselm of Canterbury 1033-1109)
Saturday 9th December
Come down, O love divine, seek thou this soul of mine, and visit it with thine own ardour glowing. O comforter, draw near, within my heart appear, and kindle it, thy holy flame bestowing. (Bianco da Siena 1350-1399)
There will be a congregational meeting on Sunday 17th December immediately after Sunday worship.
The purpose of this meeting will be to appoint new property trustees. The Presbytery Education Board are the current property trustees. These boards are being wound up which means the congregation must appoint new trustees. There are two options.
Appoint trustees from within the congregation. The disadvantage to this option is that these trustees must be kept up to date. People will step down from the role, but there will also be circumstances when trustees die in post. The congregation will then have to keep the trustees up to date and each change will require legal assistance.
Appoint the new Presbyterian Church in Ireland Trustee Company. The advantage of this option is that the trustees will always be in place and the congregation will not have to keep appointing new trustees.
What do property trustees do?
Property trustees act on behalf of the congregation when buying or selling land or buildings. Trustees can only act at the instruction of the congregational committee. Trustees cannot make decisions for themselves. Having trustees, as we have done, that are not members of the congregation is not a way of forfeiting ownership or decision making by the congregation.
What will happen at the congregational meeting.
At the congregational meeting the congregation will be asked to approve the appointing of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland Trustee Company as trustees. If the congregation chooses not to do this we will then have an election to elect trustees from among the congregation.