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Prayer and Praise

Prayer and Praise

Our prayer and praise services return on Sunday the 1st September at 6:30 pm in the church Centenary Room.

This service has been incredibly popular over the last year providing an opportunity for people to come together in an informal setting to simply sing in praise of God and spend time in prayer.

The format of the service is based on our church mission statement that we are a Presbyterian congregation who worship God, serve our community and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ. Each week we focus on a different part of church life celebrating how we worship God and seeking God’s will and equipping as each ministry serves the community and proclaims the gospel of Jesus Christ.

It doesn’t matter if you’re young or old; have been coming to church all your life or if it’s a while since you’ve visited; or maybe you’ve never been to church before, this is a service for everyone. So why not come along on Sunday 1st September at 6:30 pm.

Knowing God through our prayers

Knowing God through our prayers

The ending of a holiday and getting back to the routine of life is an opportunity to make significant lifestyle changes. With this new beginning can come new prayers, a cry to God that this season would be different from the last, that life would take a step forward.

Over the next two weeks we will be thinking about how we can know God through these prayers. We will be looking at two very different examples of how God meets us in our prayers.

On Sunday 18th August we will meet a man call Jairus whose daughter was desperately ill. Jairus sent messengers to Jesus asking that he would come and heal his daughter, and after some delays, Jesus responded and the girl was restored. (Read Luke 8: 40-56)

What else is on in Portstewart Presbyterian

Then on Sunday 25th August we will read about a very different expereince of prayer. The Apostle Paul, known for incredible displays of God’s power and numerous examples of people being healed through him, yet in his personal life we’re told that he prayed three times for a thorn in the flesh to be removed. There was something in his life he desperatly wanted to be rid off but God did not grant his prayer. Even in this unanswered prayer Paul met God in an incredibly powerful way. (Read 2 Corinthians 12: 1-10)

So, whether you have been praying for years and it seems as though God has not answered, or you’ve been astounded because in truth you didn’t expect God to answer, but he did, why not come along on Sunday morning at 10:30 and discover how we know God through all our prayers.

Stuart is back from holiday and will be leading us in worship and in our thinking.

Mission Rescue Holiday Bible Club

Mission Rescue Holiday Bible Club

We will be holding our Holiday Bible Club in Portstewart Presbyterian Church Hall on Wednesday 19th, Thursday 20th, and Friday 21st June for P1 – P7 age kids from 6 pm until 8 pm

We will have Songs, Drama, Memory verse, quizzes, Stories, and crafts. Small groups and snacks throughout each evening.

On Saturday 22nd we will be hosting a Family Fun Day and on Sunday 23rd we will be having our Holiday Bible Club celebration at 6.30 pm at our Church Evening Service, come along for a fun-filled week.

You can sign up your child or children using the QR code on the Poster we would love to see your child/children at our Holiday Bible Club this year.

Check out some of the pictures from other holiday bible clubs.

Sophie and Anna getting ready for Exodus!

Sophie and Anna getting ready for Exodus!

It’s been a busy few weeks in Portstewart Presbyterian Church.

Sophie Hogg and Anna Fell held a coffee morning fundraiser for their summer Exodus team trip raising an incredible £1354.10. Well done girls and thank you to everyone who came along and supported them. Girls, we look forward to commissioning you in church and then hearing from you when you get back home again. In the meantime we will enjoy the photos from your coffee morning.

Prayer Diary Sunday 4th February

Prayer Diary Sunday 4th February

Sunday 4th February

Elders’ training continues today at 3pm. Please do continue to pray for Helen, Samantha and Julie as they think a little deeper about what it means to be an elder. Pray for the Kirk Session as they prepare to welcome three new members. Pray that Kirk Session will be improved by the addition of our three new elders.

Monday 5th February

Michelle and her team of helpers faithfully organise the glow club every Monday afternoon in the school. Pray for the children who come to glow club. Pray that as they play games, sing songs and listen to bible stories that they would begin to understand how much Jesus has done for them.

Tuesday 6th February

All 19 presbyteries in the Presbyterian Church in Ireland meet tonight to elect a new moderator. This year there are five candidates. Trevor Gribben, Richard Kerr, Gary McDowell, Richard Murray and Mairisine Stanfield. Pray for each of the candidates and that God’s will would be made clear through this election.

Wednesday 7th February

Little Treasures, our mums and tots’ group, meets this morning. Thank God for each family represented in this group. Pray that as Julia and her team model family worship through storytelling and singing that this would help families to worship together at home.

Thursday 8th February

Thank God for the work that being done among Asylum Seekers, teaching English. Pray for the work of Acacia Path, the Baptist and our own church as we all work together as a united witness and example of the gospel. Pray for the Asylum process, that it would be fair and timely so as people would not be kept in uncertainty.

Friday 9th February

Pray for our public services, health, transport, security, emergency and many more. Society depends on these services and so it’s not just the services that have suffered these last two years, it has been the whole of society. Pray that as a government is formed that all our services would receive direction and reform, pay and support they need to continue serving our society.

Saturday 10th January

When was the last time you prayed for yourself? Take a few moments this morning to ask God to minister to you. Ask him to speak into your life concerning things that need to be changed, areas of repentance. Pray that we would be aware of God’s presence in these moments of silence and throughout the rest of the day.

Prayer Points

Prayer Points

Points for Prayer

As we begin a new year why not make setting aside time for prayer part of the rhythm of 2024.

Sunday 21st January

Take time to pray for Agherton Church of Ireland this morning. Give thanks for the faithfulness of the people in Agherton. Pray for Malcom and Brian as they lead the people in worship, ask that God would speak through them and that his people would be encouraged.

Monday 22nd January

Pray for our local schools, Portstewart Primary, St Colums Primary School and Dominican College. Pray for the children and their families. Thank God for the teachers and the principals who often deal with complicated pastoral situations.

Tuesday 23rd January

Ballywillan has an appointment with the Linkage Commission today. Pray for Robert Wilson (Clerk of Session) as he leads the delegation from Kirk Session as they seek leave to call a new minister. Pray for the Linkage Commission as they make difficult decisions that affect the life and witness of every congregation in the Presbyterian Church in Ireland.

Wednesday 24th January

Little Treasures continues to provide an important ministry to parents and carers of very young children. Pray for Julia and her team of helpers as they spend time getting to know and building relationship with all who come week by week. Thank God for all the toddler groups in the town.

Thursday 25th January

Stanley and Valarie Stewart continue to co-ordinate our work teaching English to the men in the Rambler hotel. Thank God for Stanley and Valarie along with the many other volunteers from our church. Thank God also for the partnership they are part of with the other churches in the town and Acacia Path, the organisation co-ordinating all the efforts. Pray also for the men in the hotel as well as those who have been moved into other accommodation across the province.

Friday 26th January

Our GB girls in the junior section take part in district team games competitions tonight. Thank God for the work of the GB and the impact it has not only on the girls but their families as well.

Saturday 27th January

Michelle will be working tonight because our youth clubs are back up and running. Pray for Michelle, pray that she would be encouraged in her work but also that she would have insight as to how to meet some of the needs within our community.