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Search for a new shed

Search for a new shed

When the Men’s Shed lost their home on the Strand Road in Portstewart a search had to begin to find a new shed. Portstewart Presbyterian Church had an old annex building which was in a poor state of repair, who knew such a crumbling building could spark an important new partnership. The Men’s Shed in Portstewart has a new home!

A place where men can come to learn and practice new skills

The Men’s Shed is a place where men can come to learn and practice new skills be it in the fully equipped wood workshop, playing pool, darts or making models from scratch using state of the art laser cutting equipment.

At the heart of the Men’s Shed ethos is a desire for men to find a place where they can find a company, friendship and very often purpose.

At the heart of of the Portstewart community

Catherine Taylor, speaking at the opening of Portstewart Men’s Shed, talked of the delight that the shed was now situated in the heart of the Portstewart community. That desire to be at the very heart of the Portstewart community is evident as the shed builds relationships not only with the church but the neighbouring primary school as well.

Speaking on behalf of the church Stuart Morrow minister in Portstewart Presbyterian talked about how much he was looking forward to the partnership with the Men’s Shed developing and growing. He expressed his thanks for the work the men had carried out to repair the building.

The Men’s Shed is about more than simply making and fixing things, there is a deep concern for the environment as well. This is shown in how the Shed seeks to source renewable and recyclable resources. It is also evident in their future plans to create a community garden in the grounds of the new building.

Portstewart Presbyterian Church would like to place on record their delight and excitement in all the potential the Be Safe Be Well men’s shed partnership will yield with the church.

New Treasure in Portstewart

New Treasure in Portstewart

Something new for Sunday this September

This September there is something new in Portstewart Presbyterian Church. Treasure Hunters is about the search for the treasures of scripture for children of primary school age. Treasure Hunters will be every Sunday at 10:30 in Portstewart Presbyterian Church.

Search for the treasures of scripture

Treasure Hunters is open to all children of primary school age

In Treasure Hunters our children will read and learn the stories of scripture through games, memory verses, song and crafts. Treasure Hunters is open to all children of primary school age, children who already attend church activities such as GB and Blaze. Crucially Treasure Hunters is also for children who don’t yet come to anything in the church but have enjoyed the programs we’ve been running in the school.

Treasure Hunters – Further information

The Treasure Hunter program will begin at 10:30 sharp and at 11:10 all the treasure hunters will join the rest of us in church for a family time of worship and bible reading, before being collected by parents at 11:30.

Treasure Hunters will be run and organised by Wendy Porter and her team of helpers.


You are welcome

Why not come and join us in our treasure hunt each Sunday morning at 10:30 in Portstewart Presbyterian Church.

Contact the church office (Wednesday to Friday 10:00 -13:00) on 028 7083 4529 or email

Exam Results – 2022

Exam Results – 2022

Exam Results Out

It’s been a wet and miserable July and if a visitor were to land in Northern Ireland, they would struggle to know this is our summer. There is of course a very clear reason for believing we are in the middle of summer, A-level, AS and GCSE exam results are out.

Regardless of what grade appears on our results it does not define us.

A grade does not define us

When the envelops are opened it’s important that we understand something of where we get our value. Regardless of what grade appears on our results it does not define us.

Paul writing in Colossians said this:

Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.

Colossians 3: 1-4

The most important thing that can be said about us, is not what grade we get in any given exam, but where our hearts are set, things above where Christ is.

What does define us

The ultimate qualification we ought to seek is the glory that will be revealed in us when Christ returns.

This glory is the salvation of our souls, it is receiving all Christ has done for us on the cross and through his resurrection. This is given to us, not because of an ‘A’ grade, or a grade ‘9’ or whatever else we might get… it is not earned, we don’t revise for it, we’re not tested to see if we are worthy of it. Christ gives to us freely, through faith; we receive this grace when we admit we cannot earn it ourselves and so place all of our hope and trust in Christ.

This is what defines us, this is the only thing in our lives that will have eternal significance.

Set your hearts on things above

To all who get the results they hoped for we offer our congratulations. To those who might be disappointed we offer our sympathies and will do all we can to help you get to where you want to go. But to everyone we say, since you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is… remember the one thing that will last through eternity, Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour.