GB Enrolment
Thank you to the Captain, officers and girls of the GB for another encouraging enrolment service.

Thank you to the Captain, officers and girls of the GB for another encouraging enrolment service.
Sunday 20th October
This morning is our GB enrolment service. Take this opportunity to pray not only for the girls but their families. Pray also for the captain (Julie Watters) and her team of officers and leaders. Start children off on the way they should go, and even they are old they will not turn from it. (Proverbs 22:6)
Monday 21st October
Each Monday morning Stuart meets with Michelle to plan the week ahead. Pray for Michelle as she builds trust with our young people. Pray also that she would be able to develop relationships with the families of our young people.
Tuesday 22nd October
Portstewart Primary School annual harvest service is being held in the church this morning. Thank God for the privilege of hosting this service and pray that this would be a positive experience of being part of a church community for all who will attend.
Wednesday 23rd October
The vacancy in Ballywillan Presbyterian Church continues. Pray for the Kirk Session as they seek to find a way forward. Pray that God would be clear in directing not only the Kirk Session but the one he has appointed to continue his work among the people of Ballywillan. Pray that the congregation would remain in good heart and not be discouraged.
Thursday 24th October
The bible study group meets tonight at 7:30 in the minor hall. Pray for wisdom as we read through God’s word and try to understand how it applies to our lives, culture and society. Pray that we as a church would have an increased confidence in the word of God and a willingness to accept it as God’s word to us.
Friday 25th October
Pray for the witness of our church. Our buildings are situated in prime locations surrounded by schools and local families. Pray that as we worship and seek to be part of the community in which we have been placed that Jesus would be honoured and glorified. Pray that we as a community of God’s people would be a light to those around us.
Saturday 26th October
As we approach another Sunday morning, pray that as we worship God we would encounter and experience his presence in such a way that we are changed by him. Truly me soul finds rest in God; my salvation comes from him. (Psalm 62:1)
Kim Leadbeater MP has introduced her bill to legalise assisted suicide to the Commons. It will have its Second Reading on 29 November. At this point, MPs will have a chance to debate the issue of assisted suicide, and it is possible that a vote will take place.
Throughout history, the Church has strongly opposed assisted suicide and euthanasia. God’s word teaches us that human beings, made in God’s image, are to be protected and cherished. This is especially true for those who are vulnerable, broken, and powerless.
Helpful information on assisted suicide
The UK is a world leader in palliative medicine, following the pioneering work of Christians like Dame Cicely Saunders. The beauty of palliative care is it offers total care, addressing the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual needs of the patient. This support – not state-assisted suicide – is what governments need to invest in for years to come.
With huge pressure in the media and politics, we face the worst ever threat of assisted suicide becoming law. I urge you, please, to write to politicians to share your concerns. We have set up a simple web page to help you contact your MP. You can amend the template emails we’ve provided, add your name, and hit send. Perhaps you could also forward this email to a friend and ask them to write too? If an MP replies, please let us know by emailing mail@care.org.uk or phoning our office on 020 7233 0455.
This Sunday (20th October) is our annual GB enrolment service. This is a special day in the life of our GB company and our church family because it is the day when we officially say that the girls are members of the GB company here in Portstewart. This is always a wonderful occasion when the church is filled with the girls family and friends. After the service we all go back up to the hall for what has become our traditional hotdog lunch. The girls love the opportunity to eat with their friends (and blow off some energy as they run around the hall). We as a church enjoy hosting the lunch because we get to spend time with the girls and their families.
So do please come along this Sunday at 10:30 to support the Girls Brigade as they make their enrolment promises and celebrate the fact they are part of this incredible GB family.
If you haven’t yet been part of GB, it’s not to late. The girls meet every Wednesday night. Under 5’s and Explorers between 6 and 7 pm while the juniors and company section all meet from 7 – 8:30.
Portstewart GB girls excel in district badminton competition
On Sunday evening Martha, Sophie & Jodie updated us on their summer mission teams. Thank you girls for such an encouraging report.
Sunday 13th October
Today is our harvest celebrations. Take time to thank God for his goodness and faithfulness. Pray for those whose harvest has failed and so face a year struggling to put food on the table. Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. (Lamentations 3: 22-23)
Monday 14th October
It is over a year since the October 7th attacks on Israel and still families are waiting on news of loved ones taken hostage and the pain of those who mourn will never be taken away. Take time to pray for those who have been affected most by those attacks.
Tuesday 15th October
Wednesday 16th October
The invasion of Gazza has provoked increased rocket fire by Hezbollah from Lebanon into Israel. This in turn has provoked Israel’s attacks in Lebanon, including the pager and walkie talkie attacks as well as a new ground offensive. This expansion of the war further increases suffering and destabilises the whole region. Pray for wise counsel on both sides that enables a drawing back from a full scale war and yet more suffering for the poorest in society.
Thursday 17th October
The ripples of October 7th widened further with Iran and Israel inflicting military strikes on each other. This not only widens conflict in the region but draws western powers such as the US and the UK in as they provide assistance to Israel. Pray for a drawing back from the brink and a means of both countries saving face and so being able to draw a line under this particular tension.
Friday 18th October
Shipping in the Red Sea continues to face attack from Houthi rebels in Yemen. Pray for the merchant sailors who are defenceless against such attacks and rely on western warships being in the right place at the right time to defend them.
Saturday 19th October
It is easy to lose hope when we look at our world, the suffering endured by so many and the apparent victory of evil over good. Take time to remind yourself and to thank God that there will be a day when evil will be banished, and Christ’s rule established. Therefore God has exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. (Philippians 2:9-11)
The United Appeal is the Presbyterian Church in Ireland coming together to do what we couldn’t do as individual congregations. United Appeal supports the work of global mission workers, chaplains in hospitals, the forces and prisons. It supports mission at home in local congregations and contributes towards care homes and rehabilitation centres.
Here in Portstewart we benefit from the United Appeal. Michelle Hutchinson, our youth and family worker, is part funded by a grant of £15000 a year for three years from the Council of Mission in Ireland. This has allowed us to continue with the work in the school, the community and of course our own young people. This would be much more difficult without the support of the United Appeal.
Harvest is an opportunity to contribute to the work of United Appeal. In your envelop packs you will find a United Appeal envelop for this Sunday. We are encouraging you to prayerfully consider how you might support this important work. If you don’t have an envelope and would like to contribute please speak to our Treasurer, Robin Gawne, or any of the stewards on duty on Sunday.
Sunday 6th October
Some of our members along with folks in Ballywillan begin communicants’ classes today. Pray for all those who are considering full communicant membership. Pray they would know God’s leading and would feel a sense of belonging within our congregation.
Monday 7th October
Vacancies in Banagher, Ballywillan, Portrush and Second Kilrea continue to be progressed. Please pray that in each of the congregations there would be a means of providing stable ministry to the folks who faithfully attend and also an outreach into each local community.
Tuesday 8th October
The PW returns tonight after the summer break. Thank God for the work of the PW within our congregation and across the wider church as it encourages and disciples women and supports mission at home and abroad. PW provides funding for the training of deaconesses within our denomination, pray for the work of the deaconesses within PCI. Click on the link below to find out more about PW
Wednesday 9th October
We have a significant number of people from within our congregation who are receiving one form of treatment or another. Pray for all who are undergoing what can be harsh and difficult medical treatments and procedures. Pray for healing and a very real sense of God’s presence. Pray also for families who watch on often feeling helpless and frustrated at not being able to ease a loved one’s suffering.
Thursday 10th October
Preparations are well underway for harvest. Pray for our harvest celebrations. Pray especially for Martha, Sophie and Jodie who hope to give reports on their summer mission trips at our evening service. Thank God for our young people and pray that they would be established in their faith and in the life of the church.
Friday 11th October
Thank God for the ministry and blessing that comes through the flowers that are donated each week in the church. Thank God for the way in which they are used to remind those going through hard times that the church has noticed and that it cares. Pray that within the church we would continue to build and develop a sense of family and togetherness in Christ.
Saturday 12th October
Tomorrow the congregation will be asked if it is agreeable to Ronnie Crooks being co-opted as an elder. Pray for Ronnie as he prayerfully offers himself in service to God and his church in this way. Pray for wisdom and discernment among the congregation. Pray also for Winnie as she seeks to support and encourage Ronnie.
Portstewart Primary School are recruiting volunteers to work with our children to increase their reading skills and love of reading. The Reading Partnership programme provides one-to-one encouragement and support to help children start reading, keep reading and read more, increasing their confidence and self-esteem and raising attainment and future aspirations. (Click on the link above or any image below for more details)
With one-to-one practice with the support of an attentive adult this helps improve children’s reading fluency and is a crucial supplement to classroom teaching. We are looking for volunteers who will give of their time to help support our children to read – you’ll be making a life-changing difference to a child who needs your help.
What’s in it for you?
• Using your skills in new and creative ways
• Being part of a school community
• Playing a part in raising reading attainment
• Making a life-changing difference to children
• Will receive training in supporting children to read and on safeguarding/child protection
What’s involved?
Trained reading helpers:
• Give informal one-to-one adult support to children with their reading
• On the days and at the times within the school day to fit in with your availability and the school timetable
• Ideally this literacy intervention requires only 15 minutes of support 3 times a week per child over 10 weeks. In such a short space of time, many of the children that Reading Partners have worked with have shown great improvements in their reading ages. However we are flexible and can work around volunteers availability.
What skills and experience do you need?
• Enthusiasm for sharing the value and joy of reading
• Ability to relate to, motivate and encourage children
• Patience, flexibility, creativity, energy and a sense of humour
If you are a parent, grandparent or member of the local community who would enjoy supporting children to read please get in touch!
Simply complete the following form, or if you’re not quite ready to sign up find out more information by telephoning Mrs Taylor on 02870832194.
Please note that you need to be 18 years or over to volunteer as a reading helper due to the safer recruitment checks required for the voluntary role.
In an increasingly busy world Harvest is the opportunity to pause and take in the goodness of God.
This year in our harvest morning service we will be asking what does it mean to Taste and see that the Lord is good. We will of course be surrounded by flowers and vegetables as well as the numerous offerings for the food bank. Surely God’s goodness goes beyond the church decorations, and what is it to taste such goodness? Taste is something we experience, it is one of our 5 senses and so we will seek to experience the goodness of God. There will be a very practical way of experiencing God’s goodness as we will be having lunch together immediately after the service.
In the evening we will continue this theme of experiencing the goodness of God, but this time we will ask how can we know God’s goodness in a difficult season of life. Where is the goodness of God in illness, or bereavement, or unemployment? We will look at God’s promise to restore the lost years found in Joel 2:25. And I will restore to you the years the locust hath eaten.
Why not come along on Sunday 13th October at 10:30 am and 6:30 pm to not only celebrate but experience the goodness of God – regardless of your situation.