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October 2023

Dear Colleague,

A call to prayer for Israel and the Palestinian Territories

Every day we are witnessing deeply harrowing images on the news and social media of the conflict in Israel and the Palestinian Territories, with the number of people being killed or injured growing fast, and a danger of the conflict escalating more widely. 

As Moderator, I am writing to ask that on this coming Sunday, 22nd October and in the week ahead you encourage the members of your congregation to pray earnestly for this unfolding crisis.

The Scriptures remind us, when faced with times of great distress and confusion and as we struggle to grasp divine perspective, that we should pour out our hearts to God in lament (Psalm 62 v 8) whilst still resting in the assurance of his sovereignty and providence. So, as we lift up in prayer the land of our Lord’s birth and the communities he once walked amongst, let us remember that Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, who performed so many miracles long ago, is still able today to do immeasurably more than all we ask for or imagine. (Ephesians 3 v 20).

Please pray specifically:

  • For the Lord Jesus Christ to intervene in his Sovereign grace and mercy
  • For an end to the conflict and the safe release and return of hostages
  • For peacemakers to be raised up and leaders of communities and nations to be brought together in negotiation
  • For the grieving and heart-broken to know God’s comfort
  • For the traumatised and injured to receive timely, medical treatment and support.
  • For humanitarian relief to reach the displaced and most vulnerable, many who have lost everything, that they would know God’s protection and provision.

I know this unfolding crisis is already in your thoughts and prayers, and simply want to underline the importance of keeping the matter before your congregation this Sunday and beyond.

With much appreciation.

Yours in Christ,