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Life is so much easier with friends

Would you like to benefit from some warm company… a cuppa…. craic… & crafts? Why not come along to CAMEO every 1st and 3rd Thursday afternoons.

There are a number of good reasons to come along to CAMEO.

At CAMEO we invite visitors to come and demonstrate new crafts and they also encourage us to have a go ourselves.

In CAMEO we knit, crochet, cross-stitch, make cards & paint with a purpose. In recent years we have sent boxes of knitwear (including Trauma Teddies), warm coats. These parcels of love have met the needs of Syrian refugees women and children, poverty stricken Moldovan families and Ukrainian refugees.

So, if you are on your own why not join the CAMEO ladies. Contact Amanda on 07738005045 or why not use our Ask US page to find out more information.

This year‘s CAMEO project is called Project Romania. Ukrainian refugees are crossing into Romania and donations of blankets, quilts and knitwear (no clothes please), are needed by 30th October., but if you haven’t quite finished your knitting, keep going and it will be sent in a later delivery.

This is what Jennifer Caldwell from Portstewart Presbyterian Church said about CAMEO.

“I was very apprehensive on going to my first Cameo meeting as I was not sure what to expect. However I need not have worried. I was warmly welcomed by Amanda and those who were already there. It was very interesting to hear about the plight of the refugees in Lesbos and how badly they needed help. We knit for babies and very young children who are desperate for clothes and blankets. They are living in tents in atrocious conditions. We chat, laugh, exchange patterns as we knit and have a welcome cup of tea and cake. We end each meeting with a reading and a prayer. I have made new friends and really look forward to going to our Cameo meetings.” 

Jennifer Caldwell

Ladies, don’t spend another Thursday afternoon on your own! Come along to CAMEO every 1st and 3rd Thursday.