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Points for Prayer

As we begin a new year why not make setting aside time for prayer part of the rhythm of 2024.

Sunday 21st January

Take time to pray for Agherton Church of Ireland this morning. Give thanks for the faithfulness of the people in Agherton. Pray for Malcom and Brian as they lead the people in worship, ask that God would speak through them and that his people would be encouraged.

Monday 22nd January

Pray for our local schools, Portstewart Primary, St Colums Primary School and Dominican College. Pray for the children and their families. Thank God for the teachers and the principals who often deal with complicated pastoral situations.

Tuesday 23rd January

Ballywillan has an appointment with the Linkage Commission today. Pray for Robert Wilson (Clerk of Session) as he leads the delegation from Kirk Session as they seek leave to call a new minister. Pray for the Linkage Commission as they make difficult decisions that affect the life and witness of every congregation in the Presbyterian Church in Ireland.

Wednesday 24th January

Little Treasures continues to provide an important ministry to parents and carers of very young children. Pray for Julia and her team of helpers as they spend time getting to know and building relationship with all who come week by week. Thank God for all the toddler groups in the town.

Thursday 25th January

Stanley and Valarie Stewart continue to co-ordinate our work teaching English to the men in the Rambler hotel. Thank God for Stanley and Valarie along with the many other volunteers from our church. Thank God also for the partnership they are part of with the other churches in the town and Acacia Path, the organisation co-ordinating all the efforts. Pray also for the men in the hotel as well as those who have been moved into other accommodation across the province.

Friday 26th January

Our GB girls in the junior section take part in district team games competitions tonight. Thank God for the work of the GB and the impact it has not only on the girls but their families as well.

Saturday 27th January

Michelle will be working tonight because our youth clubs are back up and running. Pray for Michelle, pray that she would be encouraged in her work but also that she would have insight as to how to meet some of the needs within our community.