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Thank you for praying for the life of our congregation through 2023. Please do remember there are opportunities for us to pray together on Sunday mornings before the service and at our prayer and praise services on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month.

Sunday 17th December

Isaiah 9:4 Thank God that the birth of Jesus is the one single event in the whole of history that will lift all the burden of sin that makes life so difficult at times. Thank God that Jesus birth is also what will end every kind of oppression that is still so evident in our world.

Monday 18th December 

Micah 5:4 Thank God that Jesus is the Good Shepherd. Take time to remember that the great promise of scripture that we will never be abandoned by the shepherd. Take time today to simply sit in the presence of God, to be aware of his leading, care and love in our lives.

Tuesday 19th December

Isaiah 11:6-9 Christmas is not just about the time when Jesus came to the earth, but a time to look forward to when he will return. Thank God for what will be, the peace and absence of war, death and fear.

Wednesday 20th December

Luke 1:38 Mary offered herself in service to the Lord in an incredible way. Take time today to consider how we might offer ourselves in service to God, the church and one another.

Thursday 21st December

Luke 2:7 Jesus was born into poverty and homelessness. He was a refugee at an early age. Take time to pray for the many people in Gazza, Israel, Ukraine, and many other places across our world who are refugees. Pray for our friends living next door to the church as they spend a Christmas away from their families.

Friday 22nd December

Luke 2:14 It is incredibly easy to let the preparations for Christmas overshadow the meaning of Christmas. Take time today to pause and echo the song of the angels. Give glory to God for all that he has done. Why not list your blessing (count them one by one) and glorify God for all that he has done. Start the list with the fact that Jesus Christ has died for us!

Saturday 23rd December

John 1:5 The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it. Rejoice, and again I say rejoice that the light of Christ continues to shine in this dark world. In the turmoil, in the pain, in the good and in the celebrations. Thank God for the light of Christ, the hope of Christ and the promise of Christ… Happy Christmas!