This week we are using advent prayers and reflections written by some of the great heroes of the Christian faith. The language may be archaic in places, but take the time to allow the words, thoughts and meanings to sink in as you reflect on the importance of advent.
Sunday 10th December
O blessed Love of God, that all may taste and see how good thou art, once more I pray: Love through me – even me. (Amy Carmichael 1867-1951)
Monday 11th December
Wherever in the world I am, in whatsoever estate, I have a fellowship with hearts to keep and cultivate; and a work of lowly love to do for the Lord on whom I wait. (Anna Laetitia Waring 1820-1910)
Tuesday 12th December
Let your love so warm our souls, O Lord, that we may gladly surrender ourselves with all that we are and have to you. Let your love fall as fire from heaven upon the altar of our hearts; teach us to guard it carefully by continual devotion and quietness of mind, and to cherish with anxious care every spark of its holy flame, with which your good Spirit would quicken us. (Gerhard Tersteegen 1697-1769)
Wednesday 13th December
Whatever you, Lord, ordain is right: Here shall my stand be taken; through sorrow, need, or death be mine, yet I am not forsaken. My Father’s care is round me there; you hold me that I shall not fall; and so to you I leave it all. (Samuel Rodigast 1649-1708)
Thursday 14th December
Ah, Lord, dost thou not see my heart? Alas, how little love! I pray thee, do not lose thy part; drop softness from above. Oh, keep it tender, keep it soft, that I may know to raise, and quickly fir the lowest string, unto a tune of praise. (John Mason 1646-1694)
Friday 15th December
Lord, my heart is before you, I try, but I myself can do nothing; do what I cannot. Admit me into the inner room of your love. (Anselm of Canterbury 1033-1109)
Saturday 9th December
Come down, O love divine, seek thou this soul of mine, and visit it with thine own ardour glowing. O comforter, draw near, within my heart appear, and kindle it, thy holy flame bestowing. (Bianco da Siena 1350-1399)