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Sunday 26th November

The Youth Fellowship meets tonight. This is an important opportunity for our young people to spend time reading and discussing the word of God to discover how it applies to their lives. Please pray for our young people, pray that they would mature in their relationship with God.

Monday 27th November 

Several of the ladies in our congregation meet each Monday for coffee. Pray for all the relationships within our church. Pray that we would become a family, brothers, and sisters in the Lord.

Tuesday 28th November

The congregational committee meet tonight. Give thanks to God for our committee and pray for them as they seek to be good stewards of our buildings and finances.

Wednesday 29th November

Poverty continues to be a blight on our society. An increasing number of holiday homes within Portstewart create a pressure on housing for families living in the area. A higher-than-average proportion of pupils in the primary school require free school meals. Pray that we as a church would learn how to best respond to the needs in our community.

Thursday 30th November

This evening is the last night of our bible study on the life of Elijah. Thank God for the opportunities we have to read his word together, and to talk about what that means and how it applies to our lives. Pray that we as a church would be able to find ways of creating opportunities for others in our community to read the word of God.

Friday 1st December

Treasure Hunters continues Sunday by Sunday. Give thanks to God for Wendy Porter and her team of helpers who provide a valuable environment for children to hear the stories of the bible, some for the first time. Pray that God would use these stories to reveal himself to our children and their families.

Saturday 2nd December

Michelle continues to run our youth clubs on a Saturday night. Pray for Michelle as she connects with the young people but also that she would be able to build relationships with their families.