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Each Sunday morning we publish a prayer diary which is designed to help us pray more regularly throughout the week. We would be delighted for as many people as possible to join us in prayer.

Sunday 5th November

He took some bread and gave thanks to God for it. Then he broke it in pieces and gave it to the disciples, saying, “This is my body, which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me.” (Luke 22:19 nlt) Take time this morning as we come to the Lord’s table to remember what he has done for each of us, as individuals and a collective.

Monday 6th November 

As the weather turns colder and people begin to make decisions as to whether they can afford to heat their homes, pray that our society would become fairer. Pray for our local economy remembering Jeremiah’s words to the exiles, that if Babylon prospers, they will prosper.

Tuesday 7th November

This evening there is a special meeting of Presbytery to discuss how the Presbyterian Church in Ireland responds to the fact it cannot provide ministry in the way it always has to many of our congregations. Pray for wisdom and sensitivity in these discussions. Pray also for those congregations who have been vacant for a long time and have little prospect of calling a minister of their own.  

Wednesday 8th November

At the time of writing the events in Gazza and Israel show little signs of improving with more and more civilians caught up in the fighting on both sides of the war. It’s hard to believe this is a land where Jesus demonstrated so much love and compassion. Pray for all who have been caught up in the fighting, pray for the day when God finally beats the swords into ploughshares, breaks the shield and burns the spear.

Thursday 9th November

Robin Gawne, our treasurer, has been reporting an improving picture for the church finances, however the church still operates at a significant deficit. Pray for our finances, pray that God would provide not just for the church to keep going, but for the means that we would be able to continue to reach our community for Christ.

Friday 10th November

Thomas Black is a candidate for the ministry from 1st Coleraine. Thomas will be joining us for a four-week placement on Sunday as part of his application process. Pray for Thomas, pray that he would know God’s blessing and presence, but also that he would know God’s leading as he continues to explore God’s call on his life.

Saturday 11th November

On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month the guns fell silent. Thank God for the ending of wars, pray for those who still suffer the effects of war, and pray for those who have been caught up in war.